New Stern Pinball Arcade: AC/DC Kickstarter is FULLY FUNDED!!!


New member
Apr 20, 2012


$108,435 goal

Target Platforms

Steam (PC / Mac)
Xbox One
Wii U
Oculus Rift
Gear VR
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New member
Oct 26, 2013
first of all, I'm excited to see it comes to pc at the same time!!!

but I'm a little surprised that they have to do a kickstarter, with the partnership they have with stern I thought they wouldn't need it.
maybe with the tables they did before their deal they don't have the rights for digital pinball?

another thing, and I quote the kickstarter page

The Stern Pinball Arcade will launch with Star Trek, Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, Starship Troopers and with your help, AC/DC!

will they release the table frankenstein and starship troopers in an enhanced mode, better graphics or the same that is in tpa?

and star trek, damn, that sounds good!!!

and later ghostbusters!!!
Ok I'm sold...



New member
Apr 6, 2012
So, there will be a LOT of kickstarters, I guess.

Btw: Why don't they need Kickstarters for Ghostbusters and Star Trek? Those Licences are expensive as well, aren't they?
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FarSight Employee
Dec 23, 2015
The Stern Pinball Arcade will launch with Star Trek, Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, Starship Troopers and with your help, AC/DC!

will they release the table frankenstein and starship troopers in an enhanced mode, better graphics or the same that is in tpa?

There will be a graphical update for Frankenstein and Starship Troopers when the Stern App has officially launched!


New member
Mar 17, 2012
What the heck, i thought the whole idea of them team up with Stern was so they didnt have to go down the KS route!!???

I think they should have gone with a more universal 'friendly' table!, this is great for fans of ADDC but i feeling something like Lord Of The Rings, Star Trek or Tron would have been more appealing to a larger audience of people

There will be a graphical update for Frankenstein and Starship Troopers when the Stern App has officially launched!

So what, all tables will eventually move over to this new engine/game??


New member
Feb 8, 2014
So, there will be a LOT of kickstarters, I guess.

Btw: Why don't they need Kickstarters for Ghostbusters and Star Trek? Those Licences are expensive as well, aren't they?

There's been a lot of talk about Stern baking possible digital versions of games into their licensing agreements. So it would seem that this goes back to at least Star Trek, but not before.

But yikes, another KS so soon :( I just dropped $85 on Dr Who, not sure I can really go for this one, at least to that extent.

It's also kinda disappointing that the launch titles will include 2 already in TPA. Ho hum.

[Edit] I have to say though, at least the $2k reward tier is better than previous KS rewards. Tour of the Stern factory plus meet-and-greet with Gary Stern and Steve Ritchie is pretty cool. Also, it would be in Chicago (a city I've visited only once, but would gladly visit again) and not Big Bear.
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New member
Feb 20, 2012
What the heck, i thought the whole idea of them team up with Stern was so they didnt have to go down the KS route!!???

I think they should have gone with a more universal 'friendly' table!, this is great for fans of ADDC but i feeling something like Lord Of The Rings, Star Trek or Tron would have been more appealing to a larger audience of people

So what, all tables will eventually move over to this new engine/game??

Star Trek is one of the launch tables. AcDc would just be the icing on the cake for the launch of SPBA.


New member
Mar 17, 2012
The KS video is very confusing then, i couldn't work out if they need this money for designing and developing this new engine/game or if it was for the actual ADDC table itself!!??


New member
Aug 20, 2014
ACDC is a great table and if I was to own a real machine, ACDC would be in my top 5 for definite.

FS...promise cab support and I'll gladly give you $100... :)

Also, for every digital version sold, would associated members of ACDC receive a royalty of some kind etc? Because if thats the case...could said members not contribute towards the KS knowing that if successful, they would receive something in return...a kind of short term investment in a way :) Not sure if thats how these things work, or the legalities...but just a thought.


New member
Feb 8, 2014
The KS video is very confusing then, i couldn't work out if they need this money for designing and developing this new engine/game or if it was for the actual ADDC table itself!!??

I've not watched the video, but if you scroll down to read the blurb, it explains that they need the money for the usual licensing costs - in this case the songs, voiceovers, and likenesses. Songs are very expensive, and AC/DC are known for being very protective of their catalog. (But - if this works - could we get Big Guns back into LAH?!)


New member
Apr 20, 2012
To be honest I'm on the fence with donating again.

I have switched over to the PS4 platform and have been kind of unhappy with the glitchy sound issues for the past 2+ years. They've promised to fix them with the next patch, but I'm worried they are putting all of their resources into this. I just don't like how consoles and PC versions, especially consoles, take a back seat to the mobile versions.

Many of the current console tables are still on the old 2.0 flipper/ball physics.

I really hope they don't forget about the original Pinball Arcade and the support it desperately needs when moving forward to this new endeavour.


New member
Feb 28, 2012

With the release of the Stern Pinball Arcade we will be implementing FarSight Pinball Physics 4.0 which will be even more realistic.

Without the overhead of ROM emulation, we can implement better lighting effects onto more devices and add more complex shaders, reflections, and shadows onto the current generation of platforms.

Cant wait to try this!


New member
Apr 6, 2012
I still don't understand why this is App is the reason for no cab support. Does Stern think that sales of real pinball tables will go down if there is Cab Support? They really don't compare.


New member
Feb 20, 2012
Yup! Stern Pinball Arcade is coming regardless of the Kickstarter. We are only Kickstarting the license for AC/DC.

FS comment on the KS. Were getting the app regardless this is just to get AcDc as a launch table.


New member
Feb 19, 2015
I would have thought that the partnership with Stern would mean lower licensing fees. Or maybe Stern would back the project and chip in towards the license, but I guess not.


New member
Mar 17, 2012

Cant wait to try this!

In that case then i wont be backing, i have no fondness towards ACDC (never played it) and not a fan of the theme at all, if it had been something like LOTR, TSPBP, Spiderman, Tron i may have pony up some cash, but im happy this KS isnt need to be successful to get the actual Stern game so ill happliy just wait for Star Trek & Ghostbusters

I wish them all the best in hitting their target however!
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New member
Feb 20, 2012
I would have thought that the partnership with Stern would mean lower licensing fees. Or maybe Stern would back the project and chip in towards the license, but I guess not.

AcDc is an older table whose licensing was brokered before PBA was released. Gary mentions that after seeing the after market price for Ripleys go up that he would start trying to build digital conversion into the agreements. Prolly why we are getting Star trek and Ghostbusters. Also music rights are a pain in the ass, so unless the artists have a fondness for pinball we can expect to see KS for other music themed tables. I would imagine KISS requiring one, but I would guess Metallica may not. It all depends really.

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