Different Neon Color On The PS3 Vs iOS

George Klepacz

New member
Feb 20, 2012
I like the random flavors of neon, keeps the presentation fresh.

A definite must feature I'd like added is being able to insert real quarters into my phone or the tables won't play. Also gives me the benefit of having a bank to save money for the next DLC release. ;)


New member
Jun 20, 2012
all these feature suggestions are great, but remember even with a simplistic UI setup and minimal interface , they have issues getting the game to work perfectly as it is . So every time you ask about a featurre that taxes the ROM emulator program and further taxes the various processors they use , you risk upsetting the delicate balance of the game that makes it so much better than other Pinball Videogames . Game coding on all levels is a circus act , and you have to do your stage acts in a certain order or the elephants trample the clowns .

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
Game coding on all levels is a circus act , and you have to do your stage acts in a certain order or the elephants trample the clowns .
As someone who has dealt with coding black magic at various levels for 20 years, "elephants trampling clowns" has to be the most accurate description I've yet encountered of the noise and discord produced when coders lack discipline and start cramming features in without regard for their effect on the final product.

Well said, sir!

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