First Reactions

Rich Lehmann

New member
Aug 26, 2014
Not good. Not terrible. Works smooth doesn't seem to have any major bugs. A weird machine gun sound after the game ends that can't be right.

Overall it seems like a good representation of a boring and disappointing table. Can't see this one getting much play. Best thing I can say is that it is better than Big Hurt and Bone Busters.

Baron Rubik

New member
Mar 21, 2013
I'm struggling to find the redeeming feature in this table. It isn't a shooters table, the lowest lit drops are impossible to aim for, it's lucky rebounds only. The theme isn't good, the art is bad and audio is awful.

I think this is the current season low in a relatively bad season for me.
Not a fan of the other low point contenders, but at least I like the glove play aspect in Big Hurt and the art is ok in Bone Busters.

I'm going to struggle to want to buy another season pass on current form, even though I currently own all TPA tables. Think I'll switch to individual purchases next season. So far from this season I'd have bought 4 packs (5 tables).


New member
Feb 8, 2014
you should just be shooting the left ramp over and over. :) ignore everything else.

Sure, but the table tuning means it's by no means an easy feat to loop it more that 5 or 6 times in one go. Perhaps it'll be easier on the Steam version, but on Android using my thumbs it's tricky. And given that it's a switch-based not timer-based feature, you have zero grace.

Overall I'd rate the tuning on CJ's to be pretty mean. Lots of house balls from the bumpers, the outlanes are on a par with STTNG's, and missed ramp shots (especially the right ramp) are drain risks.

Rich Lehmann

New member
Aug 26, 2014
It's not a good table but my biggest problem is the audio. Why would a table named "Cactus Jacks" have a guy with a really bad German accent? Like most Gottlieb tables it has me shaking my head from all the poor aesthetic choices.

Rich Lehmann

New member
Aug 26, 2014
I'm struggling to find the redeeming feature in this table. It isn't a shooters table, the lowest lit drops are impossible to aim for, it's lucky rebounds only. The theme isn't good, the art is bad and audio is awful.

I think this is the current season low in a relatively bad season for me.
Not a fan of the other low point contenders, but at least I like the glove play aspect in Big Hurt and the art is ok in Bone Busters.

I'm going to struggle to want to buy another season pass on current form, even though I currently own all TPA tables. Think I'll switch to individual purchases next season. So far from this season I'd have bought 4 packs (5 tables).

You are totally right. There is nothing fun about the set up. The targets are all off to the sides so can't be aimed it's just about aiming for the two ramps and letting luck take over while listening to that terrible voice. I really can't figure out why TPA picks some tables.

Baron Rubik

New member
Mar 21, 2013
You are totally right. There is nothing fun about the set up. The targets are all off to the sides so can't be aimed it's just about aiming for the two ramps and letting luck take over while listening to that terrible voice. I really can't figure out why TPA picks some tables.
The tuning has been updated a little since my original post, which has improved aiming for the lowest targets. The lowest target is still very difficult to aim for though due to the basic table design. Lowest target line of sight from the rh flipper is obscured by the upper edge of the lh sling. I think I've only hit it once or twice aiming for it. That leaves it to chance, which isn't satisfying for me. Poor table design and awful aesthetics.

I've never played or even seen one in real life, so perhaps that's why I'm less keen. No nostalgia value for me.
I've read about a few personal collectors though who refused to part with this table once they got one, despite limited space, so it must appeal to some. Just was curious why?


New member
Apr 10, 2012
Downloaded the trial version on iOS. I've played this pin a couple times at shows. It never impressed. Neither does the digital version. I don't get it. How is this a more logical non-licensed Gottlieb SS release than, say Devil's Dare or Spirit? Ugh. Just disgusted.


New member
Oct 7, 2014
Huge nostalgia factor for me! It's a completely ridiculous table and the points mentioned are true, but I played a ton of this table in college.


New member
Feb 8, 2014
Huge nostalgia factor for me! It's a completely ridiculous table and the points mentioned are true, but I played a ton of this table in college.

I think we'll see a lot of this. CJ is a very polarizing table it seems. So far all my playing time (in the Android beta) has been with the sound turned very low, so maybe that's why I've not been annoyed by the music / callouts yet. Sure it's not got much in the way of features, but there are far worse layouts in TPA. The artwork is cartoony but not blinding like Bone Busters. The goals are actually challenging; getting the "Pop Bumpers" Standard Goal without it being a random award from Thorny Surprise is hard to do, and the Wizard Goals are all quite difficult to pull off.

In summary, CJ is a table that rewards accurate shooting, and brutally punishes misses. In that regard, it has the frustration levels of BSD, given the number of house balls that can come out of the bumpers.


New member
Oct 20, 2012
I think we'll see a lot of this. CJ is a very polarizing table it seems. So far all my playing time (in the Android beta) has been with the sound turned very low, so maybe that's why I've not been annoyed by the music / callouts yet. Sure it's not got much in the way of features, but there are far worse layouts in TPA. The artwork is cartoony but not blinding like Bone Busters. The goals are actually challenging; getting the "Pop Bumpers" Standard Goal without it being a random award from Thorny Surprise is hard to do, and the Wizard Goals are all quite difficult to pull off.

In summary, CJ is a table that rewards accurate shooting, and brutally punishes misses. In that regard, it has the frustration levels of BSD, given the number of house balls that can come out of the bumpers.

Premiers in TPA are completely "you had to be there the first time" experiences. And judging by their sales, not too many people were.

IMO, it's better than BB and LCA. For some reason, I enjoyed Gladiators more. Still time for this one to grow on me though.


New member
Sep 21, 2014
I'm having some kind of problem in the PC version, the new table isn't launching no matter how much you click on it. It's weird.

Nothing wrong went with the download, strangely enough.


New member
Jul 8, 2012
Same here, table isn't unlocking on steam. Cannot demo, or purchase - not that I wish too purchase mind...


New member
Sep 21, 2014
Eh, I'm more interested in the newsletter hint than this month's table, honestly. Looking forward to the next one!
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New member
Apr 10, 2012
Huge nostalgia factor for me! It's a completely ridiculous table and the points mentioned are true, but I played a ton of this table in college.

I can never discount the nostalgia factor. I restored and sold a 1972 Gottlieb King Rock pin to a guy who drove almost ten hours to pick it up. A pooper of game but...the look on his face when he saw it was priceless. He played it with his buddy's in college and it brought back memories for him. Something I'll never understand but can appreciate when I see it.


New member
Sep 21, 2014
They fixed it now on PC. Much better.

Anyways, it's not a terrible table like Bone Busters, to say the least; it's kinda fun to shoot the drop targets and I like the dancing cacti.However, those sounds and music are quite annoying, and get stuck on your head after you play it. I think I'll just mute this one.
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