Identify the blurry Pinball table?

Baron Rubik

New member
Mar 21, 2013
We booked our summer holiday this morning, an all inclusive week in Sicily. Sun, sea and OMG, after booking it (I swear to God I didn't know about this before) Pinball.
We were looking through some experia pics of the resort, and there's a games room. And in the corner of that games room, looks to be a pinball table.

Is that an Addams Family?

Freakin awesome. As if all inclusive beer 10am till midnight wasn't enough.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
Looks like an Addams to me as well. I'll keep my fingers crossed that it is in good working order.

Have a great holiday!
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Baron Rubik

New member
Mar 21, 2013
Cheers guys.
Just got to wait for July to roll around now. Hopefully it doesn't get swapped out for a Premier in the meantime. :)


New member
Feb 8, 2014
The only other table it might possibly be is Medieval Madness. But I'm sticking with TAF. Either way it's a winner?

[Edit] Except MM doesn't have a topper on the backglass. So there you go.


New member
Aug 12, 2012
Almost always those machines are maintained by someone else, so it could very well change between when the photo was taken and current. And who knows what the state of the games room is in - hotel management could easily kick them out and replace it with a different form of games room.

Heck, I know to be wary when I was offered "free wifi". It usually meant something completely crappy in the end (like they hooked the entire hotel up to a 1Mbps DSL...).

Baron Rubik

New member
Mar 21, 2013
My least favourite is those dance machines (where you dance about on the arrows - timed the screen).
Those really showcase just how cool I really am.
I'll take a claw machine any day. :)


New member
Sep 22, 2012
Great memories as a kid on holiday in Spain and the arcade machines (Salamander was a favourite). I used to go armed with loads of 2p coins as these were same size and weight as a 25 peseta (before the Euro) :D. Sadly have very few memories of a pinball machine as a kid though, probably first experience was Pinball Fantasies on the Amiga!

Baron Rubik

New member
Mar 21, 2013
Great memories as a kid on holiday in Spain and the arcade machines (Salamander was a favourite). I used to go armed with loads of 2p coins as these were same size and weight as a 25 peseta (before the Euro) :D. Sadly have very few memories of a pinball machine as a kid though, probably first experience was Pinball Fantasies on the Amiga!
Yeah me too. I remember a family holiday in the mid 80s in Spain, and this particular cafe we always used to end the night in, that had a 'Ninja Emaki' video game in the corner. Someone had conveniently wedged a 25 peseta coin in the mechanism, so if you hit it in the right spot on the coin facia panel, it gave you a free credit.
We played that game for an hour and a half, every night for 2wks and never spent a penny (or a peseta).

I still play the odd game of it occasionally through Mame4droid.


New member
Sep 22, 2012
Never seen that one before - mind you most shootem ups from the 80's look and play the same :) I still occasionally crank out the PC ENGINE emulator.


New member
Jun 4, 2012
as far as shmups go im pretty much a 90s guy, while i enjoy the occsional bullhell shooter i find hunting the pixels annoying, the late 90s stuff was great tho dodonapchi and the razing stuff. but for the quriky weird stuff jeff minter is king!


New member
Feb 8, 2014
My family owned a camp site, where I spent most of my days during summer holidays. We had a small arcade, so naturally I got reasonably proficient at one or two games over time.

There was pinball - I remember Paragon, Space Invaders, and Silverball Mania (hmm, wonder why a 10-year-old kid remembers Silverball Mania?!), but I was more into video games at the time. Defender, Scramble, Missile Command, Asteroids, Galaxians, Space Invaders, but the icing on the cake was the full-sized sit-down Star Wars cabinet. It was a true wonder.

The game I was best at though? A pretty obscure number called Super Locomotive. I got really, really, good at that one summer.

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