Taxi and Harley Davidson release date?

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New member
May 29, 2012
Yeah, I tend to get really obsesses with checking the update page all the time, but then I remember I have a ton of virtual pinball already sitting there for me to play, so a few days won´t be so bad.

Would have been cool to get to play Taxi and HD on a lazy sunday, but oh well ;)

Just Some Guy

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Jun 18, 2012
Better yet, they should either hold back the releases until they can put them out simultaneously (at least keep the Mobile releases together) or schedule a date and announce that. They had been consistently putting the updates out at the same time on Thursdays here until the last two—I have to think that these were scheduled, as that seems to be when most new games/DLC updates are put out. Recently, it seems that they have missed whatever the submission window is for that, and have just told Apple to put it out as soon as possible.

My father got that email and all he read was Harley Davidson, Third Edition™ and Taxi™ has just been released. He doesn’t know what Android or iOS is, and has been bugging me to keep checking the app store all weekend.

I think the iOS part should be changed to Apple devices, or iPhones, iPods, and iPad, or something along those lines.

Bride of Trolls

New member
Jul 29, 2012
I prefer waiting a few days more, for me it's more important that as may bugs
as possible are fixed, for example the left outlane spit at funhouse, the troll bombs
at MM, the missing instructions at black hole, the ignored left ramp shots at CFTBL
and so on. A good update is much better than an early one !!

And of course i want to see my correct Hall of Fame score in game center.:cool:


New member
Jul 19, 2012
Yeah, I tend to get really obsesses with checking the update page all the time, but then I remember I have a ton of virtual pinball already sitting there for me to play, so a few days won´t be so bad.

Would have been cool to get to play Taxi and HD on a lazy sunday, but oh well ;)

Ho mmmagnetic you wrote exactly what I think ! I confess : I do one check per hour on the update page, but finally one or two days more aren't so dramatic.

I always try to keep in mind that there are worse things on earth !

And the longer the wait, the better the event, isn't it ? :)
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New member
Jul 30, 2012
Still anxiously awaiting dlc 5. It was better that I didn't know about tpa until last month. The anticipation is killing me!!


New member
Jul 19, 2012
Damned !

Forget all ridiculous things I wrote 2 posts ago : I WANT DLC #5 NOW !!!

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New member
May 29, 2012
I thought pretending to not really care would make it magically appear on my app updates. Turns out I was wrong!


New member
Jun 24, 2012
I admit, I've checked for updates at least 20-30 times this weekend too. In the meantime, though, I've been working on improving my Hall of Fame scores on tables where my score was not so good, and I managed to beat a bunch of my actual high scores in the process.

My HoF score is now over 100 on every table (and over 300 on several) except Arabian Nights, which is stuck at a crummy 46 -- and that's for a score of 163,738,920. Has everyone been exploiting the Harem multiball / Genie battle bug and scoring hundreds of millions of points, or is the HoF scoring just really wonky for that table?


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
I'm going to bed early tonight, as I am expecting fireworks tomorrow. Taxi and Harley for the iOS released and a surprising update on the Kickstarter. Gonna be a big day, I can feel it.


New member
Jul 30, 2012
I admit, I've checked for updates at least 20-30 times this weekend too. In the meantime, though, I've been working on improving my Hall of Fame scores on tables where my score was not so good, and I managed to beat a bunch of my actual high scores in the process.

My HoF score is now over 100 on every table (and over 300 on several) except Arabian Nights, which is stuck at a crummy 46 -- and that's for a score of 163,738,920. Has everyone been exploiting the Harem multiball / Genie battle bug and scoring hundreds of millions of points, or is the HoF scoring just really wonky for that table?
Good question. My hall of fame scores for Tales is dreadfully low

Bride of Trolls

New member
Jul 29, 2012
except Arabian Nights, which is stuck at a crummy 46 -- and that's for a score of 163,738,920. Has everyone been exploiting the Harem multiball / Genie battle bug and scoring hundreds of millions of points, or is the HoF scoring just really wonky for that table?

Good question. My hall of fame scores for Tales is dreadfully low

163M on TOTAN is a good score, i don't know if the bug works, try it. See also here:


Feb 21, 2012
Every time there is an addition to this thread, it makes me think the update is out and I come looking for news of the goodness :)


New member
May 29, 2012
I feel like a monkey in a lab, manically pulling a lever in order to get more bananas, but the bananas never come.


New member
May 10, 2012
Nothing is usual with Apple. They release thinks every day. I seem to remember packs 3 and 4 came out Friday evening (or Saturday morning if you live in Europe). Can't remember the day packs 1 and 2 came out. I have a good feeling about today. Crossing fingers and checking for update every hour (as usual)
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