New iOS update sucks


New member
Nov 5, 2013
Yesterday I owned 97 of 98 tables only needed mustang. Now with update it says I own 94 of 96 centigrade 37 is locked and mustang also. They are always fing something up.


New member
Nov 5, 2013
Yes tried everything. Also ac/dc and Star Trek the ball is stuttering and not running smoothly like before the update. Only thing good about update is they fixed the fire button on ac/dc


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
iPad Air 2 with most current version of iOS.

I’m in the same boat. AC/DC, Mustang, Star Trek, and strangely Centigrade 37 all locked out.

Logging out/in and restoring purchases didn’t fix it for me either.

I can play the Sterns on SPA, but guess I’ll have to wait for an update to play Centigrade 37 again.

iPad 4, iOS 10.3.3
AC/DC, Mustang, and Star Trek all locked out. But I do have Centigrade 37 on this device. Go figure.
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New member
May 14, 2018
I haven’t upgraded, noticed the total table count dropped to 75. Counting owned vs unowned, sure enough, it’s 75.

If I can muster up enough “give a... um, darn” I’ll catalog what the missing 20 tables are.

If I had to guess, that 20 is likely the WMS/Bally tables I didn’t buy.


Jul 9, 2012
Some of the same issues here on my iPad Pro with iOS 11.4:

* Before the Update TPA stated that I owned 90 of 96 tables. Now it indicates that I own only 87 of 96 tables.

* All of the new Sterns are still locked even though I own them all in SPA. I tried logging out, loggng in, and then restoring purchases. I also tried playing some of the tables on SPA and then closing and reopening TPA. That didn’t help.

* Also locked are three Gottleib tables which were previously indicated as being owned: “Centigrade 37”, “Gladiators”, and “Last Action Hero”.


May 10, 2013
Glad I held off. Centigrade37 has been my most played table of late – don’t know why, it’s just a phase, I guess.

Been thinking about foregoing all updates until I get a new iPad, probably a year or so from now. Everything kinda works at the moment altho there is rampant stuttering, but mostly I’m still enjoying it. My achievements and/or hiscores get wiped almost every upgrade and I’m tired of having to scroll thru and re-favorite all the tables I like to keep up top.


New member
Jul 18, 2012
Everything kinda works at the moment altho there is rampant stuttering...
The stuttering is annoying as hell. Seems like not all tables are affected. I'm not sure why or if it's always the same tables but yesterday Last Action Hero was unplayable.


New member
Nov 5, 2013
Glad I held off. Centigrade37 has been my most played table of late – don’t know why, it’s just a phase, I guess.

Been thinking about foregoing all updates until I get a new iPad, probably a year or so from now. Everything kinda works at the moment altho there is rampant stuttering, but mostly I’m still enjoying it. My achievements and/or hiscores get wiped almost every upgrade and I’m tired of having to scroll thru and re-favorite all the tables I like to keep up top.

Believe it or not centigrade 37 is one of my go to tables. It was locked but I could play the trial version. I deleted it and re downloaded it thinking it would fix it. Now it says I need internet access to download. TPA is a piece of **** app. I spent 300 plus for all iOS individual tables and can’t play them. I just bought ac/dc and Star Trek both have jerkey ball movement on my iPad air2 they are unplayable.


Active member
Jul 21, 2012
I don’t know how but Star Trek Stern has now been unlocked for me in TPA, no such luck with Mustang and AC-DC.

David Pannozzo

New member
Mar 6, 2012
I have an iPad Air 2, if you have one and have Ghostbusters, does yours speed up and slow down. I’m also having all the problems you guys are having also.


New member
Aug 27, 2014
I have an iPad Air 2, if you have one and have Ghostbusters, does yours speed up and slow down. I’m also having all the problems you guys are having also.

I have both the original iPad Air and the first iPad Pro (big one) - lost track of the generations...
Both play ghostbusters fine. Usually it’s the only app open and I occasionally restart the device to clear out the gunk


Active member
Jul 21, 2012
Farsight support unlocked my two remaining Stern tables for me and sent the HOF restore issue to their Q&A team. I got this response within the same day that I sent in the ticket. However, the unlocking introduced the stuttering problem that is mentioned for the Sterns above (other tables not effected) and when I mentioned this to them they answered that they are aware of the issue and looking into a fix for it, no timetable mentioned. Kudos for the quick response though, I advise you to mail them at support!


New member
May 14, 2018
I have zero data on this helping the Ghostbusters issues, but I have seen issues with speed up/slowdown when things like iMessages come in while playing.

Perhaps turning off background activities - or even putting it in Airplane Mode - might be a (hopefully temporary) workaround.


New member
Jan 14, 2016
I have both TPA and SPA installed, Ghostbusters runs much smoother (and looks better) in the SPA app. Looks like the changes that they made when porting it into TPA messed with performance.

I have not done a comparison with the other tables. This is on an iPad Air 1.

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