Patch 1.29 NA and 1.30 EU


New member
Oct 9, 2018
It's a little artwork "censored" or changed, it doesn't affect the gameplay or the tables looking a million times better than any table on PBA, not to mention plays a hundred times better and a lot closer to an actual pinball table... Granted no digital Pinball will get it 100% perfect, but Zen Studios is a lot closer than Farsight and the "changes" aren't even noticeable. Oh no the cigar is missing, a tiny piece of artwork that no one even noticed or was the reason people played the game.

Cause I know EVERYONE only played fish tales because the guy had a cigar and everyone played Medieval Madness because of the tiny bit of blood and whatever other nonsense that doesn't affect the gameplay in anyway... Because that was the real reason people played those games...

Although, it probably was only noticeable because of how clear and amazing the tables look... It was kind of hard to see those teeny tiny details missing on the farsight tables because of how blurry and dark the tables are...

So I guess I can understand the salt... But it's ok, go back to the slow floaty balls that you can barely see unless you have glowballs on, which you have to pay for and have to wait months to years to hopefully get something fixed and or a new table....

We'll be enjoying the better product where we are to busy watching the ball to worry about small artwork that can't even be seen when playing.. Oh and a ball that actually looks like a steel Pinball that you don't have to change to a custom ball just to be able to see it...

But seriously, it's things that don't affect the game what so ever. If you are that concerned with it then go get it for PC as that will have a toggle.

Although I wonder if you are that harsh on Farsight for having the Elvira tables censored to the family friendly version and unable to have your high score added to the leaderboard if you turn off the family mode for that and all the other tables that was "censored" as well...

I would like to see your posts on those tables being "censored" and not being able to have our high scores count when we turn off that feature...

Plus the audio is a much bigger issue than some tiny artwork on the backglass or on the playfield that isn't noticeable while playing the game, because you hear the sounds while playing...

So you might as well boycott both companies since they both have "censored" tables from their original versions....

Preach my Lord and Savior! Oh nos! Not the cigar !


New member
Oct 9, 2018
First things first, if you looked closer at my first post in regard to Zen censoring their tables I have very clearly put the following:

"I totally respect players who can look past the censoring, but, it's a big deal for me"

So if you read this line you should understand right away that I personally don't agree or like any changes to such classic tables just for the sake of keeping in line with an age rating but at the same time I "RESPECT" those that can look past this, I feel Zen should have found some way to make it optional on consoles, I don't play on PC so that's not an option for me, plus from my understanding the artwork is still altered on PC it's only the family mode option that is different, I just like pinball tables that are based on real life tables to be the same in every way from a look/sound perspective unless there's a very good reason to make changes, and I don't think Zen's reason is a good one, just a lazy one where they can't be bothered to find a sensible way around the issue.

I have seen many of your posts on here and nine times out of ten you are moaning at FS for some reason or another, therefore you clearly just have an issue with FS, again fair enough that's your opinion, but, personally I don't have a major issue with them like you seem to have, my biggest problem with FS has always been delays, whether it's delays on fixing obvious issues or delays on getting out new tables, but, to be fair I feel Tom has done a decent job in improving TPA on the PS4 over the last year or so, other than these issues I don't have a major problem with TPA, sure the ball physics could be better but I've played TPA since it first released and I get plenty of enjoyment out of the game, as for the graphics I've played a lot of Zen's Williams pack and I honestly don't think they look much better than TPA at all, I don't think there's much to choose between each game in the graphics department overall.

As for Zen having licenses, I think your being very optimistic, you say Zen have big licenses, but, many of their major licenses like Star Wars don't have the real film voices or tables like BTTF & Jaws don't have the real voices or music from the films, so while I actually hope your right that Zen will license tables like Addams Family, ST TNG & T2 etc. etc. I'm not as convinced as you that it will be so easy for them.

Finally, you mentioned Scared Stiff and the family mode option in TPA, while I agree it's a shame that leaderboards don't work with family mode off I don't have a major problem with it, I'm not fussed about online leaderboards anyway as my pinball scores are just average to good so it makes no difference to me if my score goes up online, I just like having the option able to play Scared Stiff "fully uncut" something we're never likely to see in PFX3.
I'll say it with pride. I I I I Me Me Me have an issue with Farsight. Quite a few actually.

Tom Devaney

FarSight Employee
Dec 13, 2017
But the TPA app hasn't updated, so the tables can't yet be played.

I just deployed the new patches, so in 5-10 minutes the patches should be out for you guys.

In regards to Stern Pack 3 for Europe, it looks like it just got delayed yesterday unfortunately due to a problem with our metadata. Sadly it looks like it'll be at least a week before the Stern Pack 3 comes out, so for now, only BH and WN will be available in SIEE. Very sorry about that. I will keep everyone up to date when I figure out more, and I get a more definitive date of release.


New member
May 1, 2013
I just deployed the new patches, so in 5-10 minutes the patches should be out for you guys.

In regards to Stern Pack 3 for Europe, it looks like it just got delayed yesterday unfortunately due to a problem with our metadata. Sadly it looks like it'll be at least a week before the Stern Pack 3 comes out, so for now, only BH and WN will be available in SIEE. Very sorry about that. I will keep everyone up to date when I figure out more, and I get a more definitive date of release.

Hey! Tom,

The two new tables are on the UK PS Store you just need to search for them via there actual name and they will come up, £7.99 each, but, obviously need the latest patch as well;)

Tom Devaney

FarSight Employee
Dec 13, 2017
Hey! Tom,

The two new tables are on the UK PS Store you just need to search for them via there actual name and they will come up, £7.99 each, but, obviously need the latest patch as well;)

Hey RJB, you're right that you can buy both the tables individually, but there will be a pack coming out in a week or so that allows you to buy both tables for a discounted price. So for US, each table is $9.99, but if you buy Stern Pack 3, you get both tables for $14.99, thus saving $5.00. Sadly, the EU Stern Pack 3 got delayed, so it will be coming out in a week or so.


New member
Nov 19, 2015
Only negative to this update is on the audio side, getting voice sample audio dropouts on Monster Bash and Gorgar. Haven't checked the other tables Tom, hopefully this gets fixed in the next patch as well.


New member
May 24, 2013
thanks Tom ,i1ll wait till next week , and get back to the best game I have played in a long long time RDR2 , and I`m useless at shooting games . what about release on XBOX1X Tom ? thanks .:cool:


New member
Dec 25, 2012
Played the two new tables and the other 4 Stern SPIKE tables. Thanks for fixing the brightness issue. They look much better now.

BBH - It's an average table for me. Not bad, but not great either.

Whoa Nellie - This one really surprised me. I wasn't expecting much from it, but I found the table to be really addicting. I really like the EM/SS hybrid feel. It also helps that the layout is based off of a Gottlieb EM (Continental Cafe).


New member
Sep 4, 2018
Only negative to this update is on the audio side, getting voice sample audio dropouts on Monster Bash and Gorgar. Haven't checked the other tables Tom, hopefully this gets fixed in the next patch as well.

I noticed it on Medieval Madness too

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New member
Sep 4, 2018
After testing many tables, the audio dropout is happening to all tables but stern. I tested round 10 so far.

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New member
Nov 19, 2015
Yeah. Just tried World Championship Soccer. The voice samples keep dropping. Ruins that particular table for me. Dammit. :(

When you pick the table in the menu it's supposed to sound like this

"Back and Better than ever!!!"

Now it sounds like this

"Back and Better than ev..."
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New member
Oct 9, 2018
Classic. These must be the perks of a one man team.

Just played Big Buck Hunter for thirty seconds and wondered to myself is the resolution on this table extremely low or is it just my eyes ? This looks like a hard 720p.

I'm playing on a PS4 Pro
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New member
Sep 4, 2018
It’s happening to the Stern tables as well. Just played the Harley Davison table and some of the audio cuts out at the end.

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New member
Nov 19, 2015
Classic. These must be the perks of a one man team.

Just played Big Buck Hunter for thirty seconds and wondered to myself is the resolution on this table extremely low or is it just my eyes ? This looks like a hard 720p.

I'm playing on a PS4 Pro

Yeah. The photo textures seem a bit lower res compared to a table like Banzai Run. The worst of the worst is still Monster Bash. You would think Farsight scanned a forgotten table from the 1950's with how bad the photo textures look on that.

That table looks better texture wise in DX9 for some reason.


And also with Monster Bash, it's really awful with this latest audio sample dropout bug because characters are constantly talking on that table!


New member
May 28, 2017
I'm not a fan of censorship either. I really hope that the announcement a week or 2 from now will bring some positive news for the console owners.

Now, back on topic...
I own all tabels on TPA, SPA, ZP2 & FX3, but... to be quite honest... I think I'm not going to purchase the 2 new tables for TPA. Not untill the engine gets a decent makeover so TPA will look & sound on the PS4 as it should.

Same here, Season 7 was the last and will be the last thing I purchase from Farsight... And that was only because they had the mistake of releasing it for under $10.. I think it was like $7 or maybe less? If it would have come out at its regular price then I definitely wouldn't have got it...

These tables were supposed to be Stern PBA only tables, but like Ghostbusters and the other 3, its all under PBA now... At least the Stern PBA versions look and play better... Well for those tables already on it... I don't even know if these two new tables can be purchased and played on both versions...

As for the other part that said I am mostly against farsight or complained about things... That's because it's things that are affecting the gameplay and look of the game and of a product I and others have spent a lot of money on and not in just one platform but multiple platforms...

I'm not going to get into the whole thing as I've said it a hundred times before, but when the last console gen versions look and sound better as well as now play better than the current gen console versions, then something is wrong.... My Ps4 was down for a few weeks back in Aug I think it was and I went back and played the 360 version again and that was so much better and more enjoyable and that's when I knew I was done giving my money to a company that just doesn't want to improve their product... At least on consoles...

Also as I've stated in the past, I have no issues with Tom as I know he can only do so much and by the looks of it, he's been trying to fix everyone's mistakes on the PS4 version and like usual, new patch comes out, fixes some things but then breaks a bunch of other things...

And for them to not notice the audio dropouts really says a lot about their "QA" that approved this new patch, whether it's that they are only testing the new tables or testing what is in the patch notes and not testing the product as a whole and checking other tables to make sure they are still working or if there is even a QA team...

I and others can only comment on what we see and by the look of things, it looks like they rely on us, the customers and fans to test everything and I'm sure like usual it's going to be a long time until these new issues gets resolved... And this is only the beginning...

Wait until more people start spending more time on them and advancing multiple modes, etc and what else comes up...

So my issues have been things with the actual gameplay AMD the quality of the product and the graphics play a part into the gameplay as far as being to dark, too light, the default ball being too dark, the floaty ball physics, the ease of nudging when it's not that easy to nudge real tables or being able to nudge without a tilt or tilt warning like we can on PBA... Yeah Zen did kind of relax a little on the nudging on their new tables, but it's still a lot more strict than PBA, it's just a thing bit more forgiving than previous tables Zen has done...

I also get that Zen might be a much bigger studio than Farsight, but when I see a top notch quality version of the same game on PC and even Mobile and current consoles are not getting the same quality, then something is wrong, especially when the mobile versions look better than current gen consoles...

So expect another 6 months or more to get the new broken things fixed and I'm sure that will end up breaking something else...

You do have to wonder how much time and money has been spent doing these band aid fixes when they could have done a whole new build that actually uses the current consoles full potential and power???

Heck, the Stern PBA version is a better overall build in both graphics and physics and that wasn't on last gen consoles, so you know that was built more for current consoles...

I'm just saying and not saying at the same time....


New member
May 28, 2017
Before I jumped to making a new thread that Elvira's voice still has not been fixed I wanted to double check with the original post... It mentions it at the end, but I'm a little confused if it ws ment that this patch it was going to be or supposed to be fixed or if that was ment for the next patch?

If it's the next patch then fine, although I hate to wonder how long that's going to be, but if it was supposed to be in this patch then it definitely is not fixed....

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