Bug Wipe Out


Feb 15, 2018
Ball goes through left flipper. It's quite a frequent bug. No problem with the right flipper.



Feb 15, 2018
Both error in one video:

04:50 Top left green lane not registered
05:10 Ball goes through left flipper



New member
May 28, 2017
I think it's safe to say that Farsight has abandoned this game and going to leave it a broken mess. Yeah sure they said they were still going to "support" Williams tables after they lost the license, but they also said the SAME EXACT THING to us 360 and PS3 users for YEARS and never once said or admitted that they were not supporting those systems, even when asked directly.

They always kept saying "soon" for an update, fixes, and newer tables, especially for 360 since the last tables was like Starship Troopers and Addams Family I believe.

So like here, they tried to reassure people they would still support them, especially when they were trying to get everyone to buy those tables before they were removed. Issued a patch that still broke other stuff and didn't fully fix everything that has been broken. And they still were kind of talking/posting till they released the final two tables, again to make it look like they were going to have our backs and keep fixing this broken mess, but once those final tables released it has been silent...

Everyone's best bet is to contact the better business bureau and demand a refund for every season and or table you've purchased because they haven't fulfilled their promise of a fully working product and or their promise to continue to support said broken product.

That's what I'm going to start looking into as well now. While I should also seek refunds for all the tables on 360 as well since that never got fixed or supported, but to be honest, those still play better and kind of look better (lighting wise) versus the PS4...

I truly thought they were going to start doing right, but like usual, they just abandoned everything and skip town now that they got our money. That's why I wasnt going to take the chance on getting the last two tables.

Get a refund and invest in Zens Pinball FX3 and their Williams tables as those are way more true to the real tables and look a thousand times better. You don't need a glow ball just to see your ball, which coincidently also costs money and almost a must purchase since the default silver ball is so hard to see on PS4.

I would have respected them more if they just told us the truth instead of playing the "we're still going to support this game and the Williams tables and we are still going to be releasing newer tables... Soon. "



New member
Jul 16, 2012
i fully regret my last minute williams/bally ps4 purchase which totaled about $140. i already had the full pc set, already had all the tables i wanted on my android phone, and a bunch of money spent on ouya/xbox 360/iphone... wanted the ease of having them on the ps4 in my living room, time was running out so I pressured myself to make the buy. I guess it is my fault for assuming ps4 was going to look as good as pc and not have weird jaggies tons of sound glitches and all kinds of other new problems with them. Could have sworn they were pushing ps4 as the one that looks the best with the most next gen lighting and bla bla bla. I really love the PC version but the ps4 one is all a mess.


New member
May 28, 2017
The BBB ain't going to do a f'n thing.

That's how I got my money back for Season 6 because they took over a year to fully release and was fed up with it. Especially because it was already fully released on PC and mobile.

Now I will be filling again because of the false advertising and leaving this product a broken mess.

I get and understand Tom and a few others have a passion to try and fix the PS4 version, but I guarantee it was out of their hands in the end and was forced to move to other projects. I also wouldn't blame them for not being able to try and do what they want to fix and improve it if they weren't being paid for it.

If I can't get my money back for the other seasons, at least the ones I can prove is still broken, then I will look towards a class action suit or lawyer.

Like the above person, I've spent hundreds buying these tables on multiple platforms, PC, 360, and finally PS4. My PC broke down a long time ago and still never got it fixed or a new one. The last tables I got on the was Judge Dredd and Last Action Hero I believe. 360 I got them all. I was holding out for the longest time that they were going to update it like they kept promising, but finally when they released Season 6 I think it was on PS3 and still nothing on 360, I knew they officially abandoned it without fully admitting it. By then I had gotten the newer tables that wasn't on 360 on PS4, but then finally just made the switch and got them all on PS4.

At first they were better or looked better. It was a little after, like late 2016 or early 2017 they released a new patch that completely messed up the lighting and other things and ever since then it just got worse all around because they would try to fix one thing and then break 5 other things.

They say they have a quality team or testing team, that's a lie or if they really do, it's probably a couple people that just test a couple things and to them they think it is fine and says it's good to go... The REAL QA team is/was us, the customers and players. We were the ones that found all the bugs, things broken, not working like it used to, etc...

Right after a patch is released, within 24 hrs there is already posts about something not working or something that used to isn't anymore and that just proves they don't truly have a QA team. And those posts are from just a couple or a few that went through every or majority of the tables and not just the new ones, but people or a "team" that's getting paid to look for those couldn't have found those in the weeks or months they were "testing" it? We saw and still could see the posts Tom put that stated he had finished a patch and submitted for testing and it would be a couple or few weeks to be approved.. Yet we found things within hours of its release...

I even got the separate Sterns Pinball Arcade and that ended up being a sham. They said how those tables would never be released on the regular PBA and look what eventually happened... That even said the Melons table and buck hunter would be on the Stern PBA and even now they still never came to it... Which sucks for the people that may have just bought the Stern PBA on disc...

The sad part to is that the Stern PBA version is waaayyy better than the regular PBA version on PS4. It looks better, the lighting is waaaaaaaayyyy better and it plays faster and not as floaty and slow...

Play AC~DC and Ghostbusters on Stern PBA and then play on the regular PBA (on PS4 of course) and you'll see and feel the difference.

I only played those on the regular PBA just to get to passed certain modes or to get to the wizard mode or to learn the tables because it was harder to do on the Stern PBA version... But if I want to play those, i'll play on the Stern PBA version...

It's been months since the last "news" was released. Nothing on fixes, nothing about any new tables. Heck, I don't even think they've even said anything for Switch users! Those are people I feel bad for, especially if they never knew about Farsight and just got it on the Switch and been waiting for more tables and or news and nothing...

I just hope Zen can get the Stern license. If anything Stern should be looking for a way out or a buy out and go to Zen because they obviously are not making money from Farsight and if anything losing money...

It does suck because I used to love PBA and fully supported Farsight, but eventually we wake up...

Tarek Oberdieck

New member
Jan 18, 2015
Not without reason Farsight lost the Williams license. Unfortunately this behavior can also be observed at the dead Pro Pinball project. I'll guess the financial margin of pinball games is to low for quality development. The market is getting smaller and smaller. Let's hope that Zen stays that way. At least here I've found only a few bugs. Not fixed yet, but not so annoying that it would be high priority to fix it.


Feb 15, 2018
At first they were better or looked better. It was a little after, like late 2016 or early 2017 they released a new patch that completely messed up the lighting and other things and ever since then it just got worse all around because they would try to fix one thing and then break 5 other things. ...

It would be hard to find a table without any bug/glitch.
The most embarassing bug is since the last two update. That is when TPA completely breaks and exits with 'Blue Death'. That error had never existed before the last 2 patches. FS released the last patch to fix that error but never fixed it.
It comes at the worst time, right after you had made a difficult wizard goal. :)


New member
May 28, 2017
Not without reason Farsight lost the Williams license. Unfortunately this behavior can also be observed at the dead Pro Pinball project. I'll guess the financial margin of pinball games is to low for quality development. The market is getting smaller and smaller. Let's hope that Zen stays that way. At least here I've found only a few bugs. Not fixed yet, but not so annoying that it would be high priority to fix it.

I know people want to try and stick up for Farsight, but to be honest they have no excuses. Losing the Williams license doesn't hinder their ability to fix those tables and the game in general. They even said that they will continue to support those tables and fix the bugs, etc... Losing the license just made it so they couldn't sell those tables anymore.

As for the person that said the better business bureau won't do anything. Not true. That's how I got my refund for Season 6 I believe it was or Season 5. I think it was 6 though. I went through Farsight's support at first and tried through them, they tried to offer free tables, but I already had them all or all that was released up until then. I was mostly upset about how the lighting was very bad and the game was just unplayable because we'd spend more time adjusting the lighting than playing the game and also because they still hadn't released all the tables even though they had them all released on PC and mobile.

That's why also their "we'll give you free tables" didn't work because I already paid for the full season.

Finally I took it above their heads since they were not trying to work with me and was eventually given my refund.

Granted I did get Season 7, but that's only because of the price glitch they had and was selling it on the PS Store for like $5 or $7 for the full season? Or it might of been the price of a single table, can't remember exactly how much, I'm sure there is a post on here that says what it was, but it was definitely an error as it got removed right away and then finally fixed a day or two later.

That's why I always have said, when it effects their money they are super quick to fix the issue, but when it doesn't they take their time.

Heck I haven't heard anything from Farsight about anything they work on, so it could be a matter of time before they go under if they haven't already... I would like Zen to maybe purchase them, only to acquire the other licenses, but they would need to completely let go of the management and higher ups and make developers either abide by Zens quality or get rid of them as well unfortunately.

Though, I'm sure that will never happen and we will just have to wait for them to acquire other licenses as they become available. If Farsight isn't making any profit for the licenses then it's only a matter of time they don't renew and jump ship like Williams did.

In all honesty that was the best thing Williams has done and could be the best thing to happen to Farsight. It either can motivate them and start actually caring about their product and work harder to improve it and improve what they still have or they do nothing like they have and the other companies see that and see the success Williams is having with Zen, that the others do the same... I predict the latter as that's what we've been seeing so far... There was a lot of talk and promises like usual, but no action. Another half assed patch that kind of fixed some things, broke other things, but still didn't really do much other than making other things worse...

And again, I don't put the full blame on Tom, for all we know he was rushed into getting it out because he was going to get moved and tried to do his best with the little time he had... If you look back, it was kind of odd and sudden how the last couple of patches came, mainly the last one and how it came pretty quick because of the sound issue from the other one as that was kind of big... So it's like he barely had time to try and fix the sound or some of them and didn't realize it caused other issues and since they don't have a QA team it got rushed and we had to do the testing and then it's been silent since then...

Even if they think they are going to wait until the next gen consoles to try and make a comeback, it'll be too late because I guarantee there will be a lot of people that won't re-purchase the same broken tables yet again and they won't have the Williams tables to help sell a new version...

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