The Random Thought Thread


New member
Oct 5, 2017
My wife used to make them with Cheerios and sometimes she’d thrown some dried cranberries in. Hasn’t made them in years though. Dang, they were good.

Can’t resist taffy either. Rough on the teeth, but worth it.

Love a bag of mixed taffy.

The only downside is getting to the end of the bag and having like 30 pieces left of flavors you hate.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
Kolchak , what shot to finish , how`s your heart and head , so close :cool:

Disappointed, but it’s tough to win an NBA game 7 on the road. Can’t expect the bounces to always go your way. Was a fun season.

[MENTION=6915]Citizen[/MENTION], so true about bad flavors being left in the box at the end. Lol

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
Sort of like the grape popsicles that no one ever wants:


I must’ve consumed a billion of the blue and red as a kid.

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
I was always more of an on-a-stick popsicle fan.

I do these days as well. For some reason, my mom always seemed to buy these by the crate though. I think they were insanely cheap back in the 80’s. The leftover juice at the bottom was always the best part.

Also I just got back in after locking my dumb a** out of the house.

Oh snap. I remember the first time my wife did that and she thought she could kick the door down cause her dad taught her some Karate as a kid. Pretty hilarious watching her harmlessly flail at the door in her flip flops.

I guess they made the grape for me. Also like the blue and red.

The grape really aren’t bad. Just seemed like everyone always wanted blue and red. But I’ll take anything I can get on a 100 degree summer day. :D
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New member
Oct 5, 2017
The leftover juice at the bottom was always the best part.


Oh snap. I remember the first time my wife did that and she thought she could kick the door down cause her dad taught her some Karate as a kid. Pretty hilarious watching her harmlessly flail at the door in her flip flops.

That thought entered my mind too more out of frustration than anything, but it was immediately followed by "You can't knock a door down you moron."

So I went into the garage and got a pipe wrench and tore the knob off instead.

The grape really aren’t bad. Just seemed like everyone always wanted blue and red. But I’ll take anything I can get on a 100 degree summer day. :D

Orange and cherry for me though blue raspberry and lime are good too when available. I'd eat a grape on occasion.

I think when I was a little kid I loved fake grape flavor but over time I just stopped liking it as much.

Always hated artificial banana flavor treats.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
Green was my favorite. Hated the red. Yeah, I’m the weird kid that didn’t like the red.

We mostly had the generic ones, but every now and then we would get Otter Pops. Remember those?


New member
May 24, 2013
we get the Kisko ones , there Canadian ( I love free trade ) , 45 to a packet , only one I leave is the blue raspberry . my fave 2 are grape and fruit cocktail .:cool:


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
I can’t believe my Lakers just jumped from 11th to 4th pick in the draft. Meanwhile New Orleans with that #1, what’s it mean for AD being traded? This is gonna be a wild off season.

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
I’m bummed the Bulls got hosed, but somehow I’m not surprised. Just horrible luck in recent years.

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