Williams' Collection Volume 6 guesses


New member
Jan 14, 2016
The idea that Zen could make DMDs for alphanumeric tables is something I hadn't thought of before. They have plenty of experience and expertise making DMD displays from scratch. It could be a feature that goes along with the graphical enhancements to turn on and off. They could even add a DMD to some of the more interesting EMs as well, like Genie.


Oct 31, 2015
The idea that Zen could make DMDs for alphanumeric tables is something I hadn't thought of before. They have plenty of experience and expertise making DMD displays from scratch. It could be a feature that goes along with the graphical enhancements to turn on and off. They could even add a DMD to some of the more interesting EMs as well, like Genie.
...if it weren't a Gottlieb table.


Jul 7, 2012
Adding a DMD would be a great idea for enhanced mode - would give people who played the tables to death in TPA another reason to purchase them if nothing else, and generally help sales for people new to the tables I reckon.

Feel like it would definitely benefit some tables more than others though?

For example: Funhouse, Taxi, High Speed, Bride Of Pinbot, Black Knight+2000, Centaur etc

Not much benefit for tables like Eight Ball Deluxe, Space Shuttle, Gorgar etc


New member
Jun 9, 2019
Adding a DMD would be a great idea for enhanced mode - would give people who played the tables to death in TPA another reason to purchase them if nothing else, and generally help sales for people new to the tables I reckon.

Feel like it would definitely benefit some tables more than others though?

For example: Funhouse, Taxi, High Speed, Bride Of Pinbot, Black Knight+2000, Centaur etc

Not much benefit for tables like Eight Ball Deluxe, Space Shuttle, Gorgar etc

Really hoping it can happen, i mean, all their tables before Williams got DMD in them. How much longer would it require to put that in, i got not clue, but its something that could be amazing to see, unless there could be restriction from WMS side on how much they can change the table. They have permission to add stuff and effect in their tables, wondering if permission is also granted for DMD. I think it is, if we have to look as example MM with the censorship version, its new animations. Now we gotta wait and see if they can make that happen.


New member
Feb 10, 2013
Cactus Canyon

This would be a dope pack. These guys have been with heat thus far...

One thing I wanted to add, is that it would be nice to see some tables that FS never did, eventually, such as:
Game Show
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New member
Oct 20, 2012
Who Dunit?
Cactus Canyon

Correct me if I'm wrong, but these should be the last of the "unlicensed" DMDs. Hopefully Zen will have enough leverage to eventually license tables like TZ, ST:TNG, and Indiana Jones. (Long shot, I know) Not sure how Indy 500 licensing would be-Farsight did it without a kickstarter-even though sports licenses can be a real pain. The former two I've mentioned required kickstarters and IJ was too far out of reach. We'll see if Zen can have better luck given the work they've done for Star Wars and Marvel.


New member
Jul 16, 2012
ive been saying on here since zen released the 1st bally/williams pack that they should just make dmd animations for the older tables. It could be really simple just a looping animation that plays 1-2 second clips when different shots are made or things are collected. the main looping animation would change during different modes. as an animator and pinhead i wish i could be the one doing them, it would be a dream.

I dont think indy 500 was/will be very expensive, unlike sports tables there are no giant lists of sports teams and huge rosters of athletes to pay off. I think Indy 500 is really low on my want list, we already got that one on TPA and I wouldnt be too upset if it never saw zen release.

If we really are not getting those 3 because of gambling, that sucks. What other silly things will mess other tables up I wonder. I see they have a fake non existent future gun on the aliens table, i wonder if real life existing guns are also a problem. if guns are a thing then they would need to get rid of or censor so many of the licensed tables. I don't remember off hand what the gambling aspect is on Cactus Canyon but hopefully that's something that can be fixed because it would be such a shame to not get that one. Who Dunnit would be pretty hard to modify the slots and roulette wheel that are physically on the table. they would really have to fudge that one into nonsense to make it work without gambling... like the roulette wheel is now a merry go round and the slots would be match a something or other i dunno. Jack*Bot would need a complete overhaul, they will probably just scrap that one and make a Pin*Bot with DMD... although i really like Jack's rules allot more that Pin's.

If we dont get any of those 3 remaining DMDs and the next pack isn't licensed tables, then my guess is they will give us the heavy hitters of non-dmd

or perhaps they will space those out between packs and finally give us something cool farsight hasn't like
-Bad Cats
-Mousin Around
-Grand Lizard
-Bally Game Show
-Party Animal
which (other than lizard) are all very fun colorful happy looking tables. assuming since they released party zone so early that's the kind of thing they are going for.


Aug 8, 2018
The gambling aspect is interesting as it obviously can't involve any real money. Champion Pub has gambling of a sort in it as you can gamble your points from the 6th boxer onwards; what do you actually gamble with Cactus Canyon and Who Dunnit?


Well-known member
Aug 12, 2012
WHO dunnit has a slot machine, which give randomized awards, and a roulette wheel, where you bet a certain amount of points for a 50:50 chance of getting or losing that much.

Jack*Bot has several gambling games, but you only risk what is earned.

Cactus Canyon has none at all, but it's a tough machine to find. Plus, there's a whole bunch of alcohol references on the playfield and DMD.

Scared Stiff

New member
May 18, 2019
I believe Zen said that they could and would like to do alphanumerics. Some tables seem like a sure-thing when looking at popularity and business, but how well they translate over to the whole Zen presentation requirements may be an issue.

I must be missing something. I really don’t understand this obsession with DMD. I don’t even look at them while I am playing. My eyes are on the playfield. Would people really not buy a table over something as trivial as a DMD? That seems like a very strange notion.

The focus for Zen and customers alike should be if a table is fun. And there are tons of fun alphanumeric tables out there! If Farsight could sell them, I see no reason why Zen can’t too.

So I have no idea what the next pack will be, so I will just post my personal fantasy list. Two actually:

Done already in TPA:

1. Gorgar
2. Centuar
3. F-14 Tomcat

Never released commercially:

1. Flash
2. Vector
3. Hotdoggin

The loafer

Oct 28, 2012
It’s not the dmd, it’s more likely because dmd tables are known as having more modes/variety. I think farsight has stated dmd tables outsold most pre-dmd tables by a fair margin

Scared Stiff

New member
May 18, 2019
It’s not the dmd, it’s more likely because dmd tables are known as having more modes/variety. I think farsight has stated dmd tables outsold most pre-dmd tables by a fair margin

I just don’t get it. I play tables because they are fun. Not because of how many modes they have. And and of those that I mentioned up above along with tons I didn’t, are totally fun to me and a guaranteed buy too.

Look at the first two Black Knight tables for example. Not much variety but still heck of a lot of fun and something so revered that a third table was made. Conversely, I don’t think there is much variety to the DMD game Hurricane. Thus I just don’t think such generalizations can be made even though people try to anyway. Rather I think it’s a case by case kind of thing.


Oct 31, 2015
I would think a DMD is more about coding inertia. They need to code Alpha Numerics or even older ones from scratch.


New member
Dec 25, 2012
I just don’t get it. I play tables because they are fun. Not because of how many modes they have.
Well that's the difference between the casual pinball player and the diehard pinball player.

The casual player likes the table to be flashy, while the diehard player wants a well-designed table. A table with animation via DMD or LCD is always going to appeal more to the casual than one that doesn't.

The loafer

Oct 28, 2012
I just don’t get it. I play tables because they are fun. Not because of how many modes they have. And and of those that I mentioned up above along with tons I didn’t, are totally fun to me and a guaranteed buy too.

Look at the first two Black Knight tables for example. Not much variety but still heck of a lot of fun and something so revered that a third table was made. Conversely, I don’t think there is much variety to the DMD game Hurricane. Thus I just don’t think such generalizations can be made even though people try to anyway. Rather I think it’s a case by case kind of thing.

For a lot of people, the modes and humor of the DMD tables tend be a big draw but bottom line, we should consider that to the casuals, to use your own words, these tables are more fun. To the acute pinball players, many also prefer the DMD tables because of the multiple approach that can be used to complete modes. The complexity of the various modes is also alluring.

At the end of the day, I just want them to do them all as I'm a fan of EM's, of early SS (I used to own a Sinbad and firepower) right up to the modern Stern's (I still miss my Tron :( ). Hopefully they will get there

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