Request Swords of Fury - the greatest fantasy-themed pinball you've never played


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
I just bought BIG GUNS my first pin today....system 11 was a MUST for me to fork over my 2 dlc's this month, Its all you fault FS:) Im teasing, you still get my grapes this month:)

Congrats man! What a great pin to own. Post a few pics or a vid if you can. Another classic table you don't see often enough. A cool era of tables that need some love from FS.

Rudy Yagov

New member
Mar 30, 2012
Big Guns is the most underrated System 11 pin I can think of. I almost bought one for $750 a few months back, but I didn't have the space for it at the time.


New member
Aug 12, 2012
Oh yeah LION MAN looks FUN and sounds amazing. FS should just do a SYSTEM 11A-B GAME oh wait give Josh haunted house and sword of fury....DISC PLEASE!

I'd love to see Big Guns in TPA. Like SoF, it's highly underrated. The strange "space knights and brickwork" theme makes it a love-it-or-hate-it table, for sure, but I find it highly original and above all, just plain fun.


New member
Apr 10, 2012
Played a game of SoF yesterday at the White Rose Gameroom Show in York, Pa. I can't remember the last time I played one outside of VP. The table played well but was a little loose. Nonetheless, I had a good time and think it would be a great addition to TPA. Very unique in it's design and a little ahead of its time. Wasn't for sale so I can't give you a going rate for around here.


New member
Sep 27, 2012
i have never seen this machine. but i would buy it just because it has 3 spinners, all next to each other. for some reason i derive so much pleasure whenever i nail one of those with a solid shot and it spins over and over for a few seconds.


New member
Aug 12, 2012
i have never seen this machine. but i would buy it just because it has 3 spinners, all next to each other. for some reason i derive so much pleasure whenever i nail one of those with a solid shot and it spins over and over for a few seconds.

Those u-turn spinners also serve as the greatest risk-vs-reward element of SoF's design, because the harder you hit them, the greater the chances of draining your ball. But if you can defend against the ball's return speed, it will definitely rack up some points. The tunnel to the left is also the trick to activating multiball, but the mini playfield still plays the biggest role in jackpots and higher multipliers. SoF has such an amazing playfield...

I really hope FS sees the light on this one.

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