Request Beta of Pinball Arcade for PC?

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Julian Murdoch

New member
Apr 18, 2013
I don't have portrait working yet. The biggest issue is the UI. I'd have to setup all the portrait screens. Before we can release on Steam we need to redo the main menu to match our mobile and PS3 style, so when we do that we can setup portrait screens.

I guess my concern here is this: (and thanks for posting here, it's the only info we seem to get). Of course I want to support TPA on PC. So I'll end up buying a landscape only version just because. But givent he propensity to micro-charge for every variation (table menu access, etc) I am concerned that I will end up having to rebuy all my tables as some sort of "cabinet" version (on top of having already bought the tables for iOS, Xbox, and now landscape-PC).

Im assuming the dev team has tried just actually setting the windows desktop to vertical resolutions? That works in a surprising number of DirectX games already.

Mike Reitmeyer

FarSight Employee
Mar 13, 2012
Portrait modes isn't in cause I haven't spent any time working on it. Up until now, we were waiting on Steam so there were other higher priority things for me to work on.

The PC menu system is still the one we originally shipped on all our platforms a year ago. We need to update the table select menu to the current system. When we do that I can also setup portrait.

For PC we use the higher rez console textures, but with less compression so they look cleaner than on Xbox or PS3.

PC Build has always supported Xbox 360 controller. Current build has a menu where you can set controls as well. You can play with mouse, keyboard or controller, and remap input.


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
Thanks Mike for all the info on the PC build - just one thing to consider that you might have thought about already is if the buttons assigned to the flippers, launch ball and exit/pause could also be used to navigate menu options, etc that would be great for cabs. Alternatively if the PC arrow keys are used to navigate menus then we could always assign those to the flippers and reprogram our ipac, etc

Sun Vulcan

New member
Jun 28, 2012
Portrait modes isn't in cause I haven't spent any time working on it. Up until now, we were waiting on Steam so there were other higher priority things for me to work on.

The PC menu system is still the one we originally shipped on all our platforms a year ago. We need to update the table select menu to the current system. When we do that I can also setup portrait.

For PC we use the higher rez console textures, but with less compression so they look cleaner than on Xbox or PS3.

PC Build has always supported Xbox 360 controller. Current build has a menu where you can set controls as well. You can play with mouse, keyboard or controller, and remap input.

What are the minimum and recommended system requirements? Can i play on my notebook with onboard graphics?

Mike Reitmeyer

FarSight Employee
Mar 13, 2012
What are the minimum and recommended system requirements? Can i play on my notebook with onboard graphics?

I don't know exact specs yet. Steam allows for Beta's so we will most likely do a Beta and get a feel for hardware requirements.

Minimally you will need a graphics chip capable of Shader Model 3.0 and Directx 9. The Xbox GPU has 48 cores, and essentially 256MB ram. So any card similar to that should get reasonable performance.

PC version allows you to set resolution 640x480 and up, so most likely on lower end machines it should be able to run in lower resolution. Since we are able to run on phones, I don't think PC CPU's will be an issue for anyone with a somewhat modern chip.


New member
Apr 16, 2012
I assume not a lot of chance of get crossfire support eh? ;)

Oh well, I'm sure my elderly 4870 will handle it without its twin :)
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Apr 3, 2012
So Friday should be the day of release for Kikstarter backers for PC. Let's hope so.

Certainly possible based on the interview. Though I tend try to keep my expectations fairly low when it comes to releases. Murphy's law has to be etched in stone in the Farsight office I'd imagine.


New member
Apr 16, 2012
Maybe they got confused by week and month. They said this week, maybe they meant this month, or this year, this century.
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