Bug iOS Version 1.2.9 Bugs

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Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
This thread is for posting bugs for iOS version 1.2.9 ONLY (new bugs as well as lingering issues that haven't been fixed). If you want to post general feedback or comments, then please use THIS THREAD instead. Anything posted here that is not a bug will be moved or deleted.

When posting a bug, please use the following format:


Bug Description:

Steps To Reproduce:


Additional Comments:

Please also remember to email any bugs you find to support@pinballarcade.com

Thank you!
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Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
1.2.9 changelog:

What's fixed:
- Crash fixed for iOS 5.1.1 users at startup
- Potential crash related to Save Game files for all users fixed
- HUD on Bride of Pinbot and Funhouse

1.2.8 changelog:

What's new:
- New Table: Bally’s Centaur.
- New Table: Williams’ Pin*Bot.
- Table packs: 14 and 14 Pro.
- Season Pack One and Season Pack Two discounts (Pro versions available).
- All-Time Ranks have been added for tournaments.
- New Table of the Month: Cactus Canyon.
- New artwork for main menu buttons.
- New zones for up, left/up, and right/up touch nudging.
- New option "Touch Schemes." Users can now choose between five different touch layouts.
- New option "Show Touch Schemes." Users can turn this option on to have a visualization of where to touch the screen to perform actions while playing.
- New option "Button Position." Users can now adjust the vertical position of special buttons on the screen. Note: this option only appears on tables with special buttons.
- Option for iCade has been modified. Detection is enabled by default and changing the setting does not require the user to restart the application. Users can now choose between iPad (iCade mapping), iPod/iPhone (iCade Mobile mapping), and Off.

Table Updates:
- Centaur (v2)
- Pinbot (v2)
- Shuttle (v5)

What's Fixed:
- Settings were not saving when leaving options and table options menus.
- Dead zone for launcher button in Star Trek: The Next Generation was where the button used to be in 1.2.6.
- Pausing while playing Star Trek: The Next Generation would cause the launcher button to pulse even when it wasn't available.
- An onscreen keyboard would appear when the iCade option was enabled and no bluetooth keyboard was connected.
- There were no arrows on some menus in portrait where they were needed.
- Space Shuttle's backbox display was upside down for player 1.
- Fliers were not properly sized on iPhone/iPod 5 in landscape.


New member
Jun 4, 2012
wont be able to access the appstore until wednesday dvening stuipd mo ile internets


New member
Jul 6, 2012
Device/OS: iPad (latest)/iOS 6.1

Bug Description: Bride of Pinbot's and Funhouse's heads-up display shows the bottom of two display lines twice instead of both display lines. I know that in past versions these two table's displays had issues where when rewards were given the display would temporarily blank out. Not sure if FarSight was trying to fix this, and introduced this bug in the process, but both bugs deserve attention.

Steps To Reproduce: Start the game. This condition continues throughout the game. (Though I play in portrait, and haven't yet tried landscape to see if it's there, too.)

Frequency: Every time.

Additional Comments: Impossible to see score until the game ends, and entering initials is very difficult unless you recite the alphabet along with each tap of the right arrow.


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
Device/OS: iPad (latest)/iOS 6.1

Bug Description: Bride of Pinbot's and Funhouse's heads-up display shows the bottom of two display lines twice instead of both display lines. I know that in past versions these two table's displays had issues where when rewards were given the display would temporarily blank out. Not sure if FarSight was trying to fix this, and introduced this bug in the process, but both bugs deserve attention.

Steps To Reproduce: Start the game. This condition continues throughout the game. (Though I play in portrait, and haven't yet tried landscape to see if it's there, too.)

Frequency: Every time.

Additional Comments: Impossible to see score until the game ends, and entering initials is very difficult unless you recite the alphabet along with each tap of the right arrow.

This should be fixed in version 1.2.9. Are you sure you've updated The Pinball Arcade to the latest version?


New member
Jul 6, 2012
Device/OS: iPad (latest)/iOS 6.1

Bug Description: In Tales of the Arabian Nights and Ripley's Believe It Or Not, balls seemed to completely disappear. The ball goes away, and the Call Attendant feature claims that no ball is stuck. The game (but not the entire app) must be quit to recover.

Steps To Reproduce: Not entirely certain. In TOTAN, it appeared to happen when a ball was shot up the right loop, I think, but I wasn't paying a lot of attention to the history of the ball when it happened. I don't entirely remember when it happened in RBON.

Frequency: Happened twice in one day in TOTAN and once in RBON which is peculiarly often since the last update.

Additional Comments: Even nudging the table to the point of tilting does not "dislodge" the ball in these instances.


New member
Sep 28, 2012
Not completely sure if it is intentional but some tables are still not in the alphabetical order on the my tables menu.


New member
Jan 7, 2013
Device/OS: IOS 5, ipad2

Bug Description: wizard goals do not show up at PinBot. Table menu keeps showing the standard goals. I collected all five standard goals.

Edit: also happens on Centaur and Cactus Canyon. Maybe on all tables.

Gord Lacey

Site Founder
Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
Haj, they are if you think of their full name, not the short name displayed. "Arabian Nights" looks out of place, but the full name is "Tales of the Arabian Nights," which explains the placement in the list.


New member
Feb 28, 2013
Not completely sure if it is intentional but some tables are still not in the alphabetical order on the my tables menu.
Which ones? On my My Tables menu they're all in alpha order - Tales of the Arabian Nights looks out of place because there's not enough room for "Tales of the Arabian Nights" and "Tales" as a shortened name doesn't quite cut it.

Edit: slippage! Uh, +1 Gord :)


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
And no, it's not right to put it under "A". Then people would complain that the title is "Tales of the Arabian Nights" and belongs under "T".


New member
Oct 6, 2012
Device/OS: IOS 5, ipad2

Bug Description: wizard goals do not show up at PinBot. Table menu keeps showing the standard goals. I collected all five standard goals.

Edit: also happens on Centaur and Cactus Canyon. Maybe on all tables.

See if they show up when you start a game, then pause it.


New member
May 28, 2013
I've updated to the latest release, and for the first time ever I'm having issues. Tables either crash the app or have desaturated colors, odd camera angles and play at a reduced frame rate. Plus the pause button is gone. I'm on iOS 6.1.3 iPad 3. Currently unplayable :(


New member
Sep 28, 2012
Which ones? On my My Tables menu they're all in alpha order - Tales of the Arabian Nights looks out of place because there's not enough room for "Tales of the Arabian Nights" and "Tales" as a shortened name doesn't quite cut it.

Edit: slippage! Uh, +1 Gord :)

My bad, you're absolutely correct :p
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