scores TPA vs. real world


New member
Apr 21, 2013
I been monitoring threads and notice reports of players rolling the score over 10 million on the TPA version. I never seen scores that high in the real world. The highest i seen was 6,606,xxx on a centaur that had been set for 5 balls in the real world. On a 3 ball version set on high difficulty (start everything over when ball drains) the default high score date was 2,500,000 and was never broken.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
Not very surprising. I find my TPA scores to usually be 5 to 10 times higher than the real pin. Don't forget they want you to taste the wizard modes and they also want the game to be fun for people not super experienced with pinball. Also you can play all night without going broke. And the TPA pins are much more predictable.


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
It makes a lot of sense actually, think of all the people who simply restart if they have a bad ball. In real pinball that's not nearly as likely to happen, you paid for the game you're probably going to play it out. Those same people are probably shooting for the high scores more than others. Plus, the only limit is time in TPA.


New member
Oct 6, 2012
So why is PinBot so easy compared to real life when CC has a deliberatly added bug to make it hard when in real life others say it is easy (i have never played real life)? Then we have the case of the HOF points. Lots here had 1K HOF points withint he first two nights of release of PinBot, but in CC you can play a 90 minute game and still not score 100 HOF points.


New member
Nov 1, 2012
Centaur in TPA is particularly tame in relation to the real one. Also, the queens chamber is a very predictable and easy shot in TPA, and EBs are awarded for the special, making the scores inflated and gameplay almost indefinite if you get good at the captive ball shot. Rolling a real Centaur is not impossible, but it's much easier on TPA.


New member
Jul 29, 2012
yeah, don't forget it's not all a matter of predictability -- the decision to award extra balls for specials also plays a role.


New member
Apr 21, 2013
Centaur in TPA is particularly tame in relation to the real one. Also, the queens chamber is a very predictable and easy shot in TPA, and EBs are awarded for the special, making the scores inflated and gameplay almost indefinite if you get good at the captive ball shot. Rolling a real Centaur is not impossible, but it's much easier on TPA.
An EB (for special) was an operator option in the real world however back in the day most operators awarded a replay it came set that way from the factory by default. In the real world a reply was a huge value of course in the TPA world its just fun to hear the "pop" the EB is of value in this world.


New member
Apr 21, 2013
It makes a lot of sense actually, think of all the people who simply restart if they have a bad ball. In real pinball that's not nearly as likely to happen, you paid for the game you're probably going to play it out. Those same people are probably shooting for the high scores more than others. Plus, the only limit is time in TPA.
Remember a day back in the real world when you only had a couple quarters to spare for the day on pinball. You put your quarter in ball one sails down the right outlane and you don't even get a flip. Here comes ball 2 darn it down the left outlane it goes no can't save it . Here comes ball 3 hits a few targets and bumpers you get a few flips and then SDTM. Pray for the match ! No match one quarter left.........try again same pin or go drop the quarter in EBD ? Those were the days.


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
I do remember the days. In fact its the reason I got so good at the getaway

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