Can someone help me with touch nudge


New member
Mar 22, 2013
I like the idea of being able to use the tough nudge by direction, but there is one thing I find incredibly difficult and prevents me from using this control scheme. There is no way for me to press a flipper and nudge simultaneously. The touch nudge seems to be very popular... how do you get around this issue, because I'd like to use it.



Active member
Feb 20, 2012
I flip with my thumbs, nudge with my index. I find it easiest with my iPad on a pillow in my lap. Granted, reaching for the "up/left and up/right" is hard to do, so I don't.


New member
Aug 30, 2012
I use my thumbs for nudge so obviously I'm not flipping simultaneously either. I'm also finding up/left and up/right difficult so I'm just using the "up" nudging.


New member
Feb 28, 2013
...There is no way for me to press a flipper and nudge simultaneously ... how do you get around this issue, because I'd like to use it.

I use my thumbs exclusively, Nudge Scheme "D" (I used to use "A" but find the reduced distance to the Up nudge in "D" helpful, although I had difficulty keeping my thumbs in the reduced flipper zone at first). "Invert Nudge: On" is very important - I visualize this as pushing the ball instead of pushing the table.

With this setup I never have to nudge and flip on the same side of the table simultaneously, but I can (and do, all the time) nudge and flip on opposite sides simultaneously. e.g. - the ball's heading SDTM. I tap the "left nudge" (which pushes the ball RIGHT) at the same time (if I have to) as I tap the right flipper for the save. After many many hours my thumbs have brains of their own, so I don't really have to think about the very quick "nudge with left thumb-flip with right thumb-flip with left thumb" actions necessary for a slap save.

As to the other nudges, I use 'em all; but rarely will I use anything except Left or Right nudge in combination with a flipper.

When is up nudging effective?

Up nudging is useful in lots of situations, but one that immediately comes to mind is "get the ball out of the slings!" You know how that goes - one sling, two slings, outlane drain? Nudging up as the sideways-moving ball hits a slingshot can force the ball towards a more vertical movement where you can get it under control.
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New member
Jun 23, 2013
Have to admit control scheme D and lowering the launch button are essential - I also turned on the overlay so I can learn the nudge locations.

I'm new to pinball arcade but doing well at saving from the lane like you say if going down left lane by holding left flipper up, and using the up+left nudge (above flipper and to right one).

Must say having been addicted to pinball dreams and fantasies when younger pinball arcade is great.



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