Judge Dredd


New member
May 18, 2012
The only cool thing about the Judge Dredd movie with Stallone was that ABC-warrior droid. (+ the excellent actor Armand Assante.)



Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
The only cool thing about the Judge Dredd movie with Stallone was that ABC-warrior droid. (+ the excellent actor Armand Assante.)

Yes, and the outstanding make-up used on the berzerker character with the dial in his head. I love practical effects, and there were some good ones in that movie. The only redeeming factor in the entire thing.

Lord Boron

Apr 18, 2012
Yes, and the outstanding make-up used on the berzerker character with the dial in his head. I love practical effects, and there were some good ones in that movie. The only redeeming factor in the entire thing.

For me the only redeeming thing to come out of that movie was the score by Alan Silvestri. Wish it would get a proper CD release!


New member
Jun 10, 2012
YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! One of Dr. Flash's best tables. Great art, great playfield design, great toys, tons of ramps and flippers (even if some are kinda small), drop targets, the works. With just the comics license involved, I think this one really should be possible. Hey, FS, if you do it, make sure to include the "Super Game" - it has it's own modes and score list, every ball starts with multiball, and there's even 6-ball multiball, and while not as good a "core" pinball experience as regular play, it is a fun, unique oddity that should be "preserved" (to go with your theme).

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
The problem with Judge Dredd is that you're constantly moving your head around so you can see what the hell's going on. You can't even see the fourth flipper from the normal playing position. Not sure how that would work in TPA.

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
I am the law.

However I am also learning there are many non-licensed tables out there. Just discovered Party Zone... Holy crap do I want that one. Both it and Dredd have awesome comic book art, and jamming music... Party Zone though might be on its on level in that dept. that'll be my next thread.


New member
Jun 13, 2012
I enjoyed that table when I had a chance to play it so yeah, definitely one I'd like to see. The recent film was great; I think part of the problem was the bizarre decision to go practically 3D only with fewer 2D showings (in the UK anyway). Only modern 3D film I've seen. The effect was only relevant for a couple of shots so I honestly don't get why they even bothered with that.

Baltimore Jones

New member
Jul 25, 2013
I was playing Theatre of Magic last night and got that awesome Easter Egg for the first time when you hit 3 Hat Tricks (go try it if you don't know!). I was delighted, especially because I was literally reminiscing about "that reference" (I have not played the referenced table in TPA yet, just real life) moments before I got the Easter Egg.

I looked into it and it turns out Judge Dredd also has multiple references to the thing I'm talking about, characters reappearing etc. So now I'm rooting heavily for Judge Dredd to come out!

EDIT: I'm avoiding mentioning the referenced table just for spoilers sake.

DVD? Blu-ray! :)

+1, DVD should only be used when there is no Blu available, or arguably for some television shows.
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Jul 16, 2013
The movie came it last September....and bombed badly. Although it does seem to be finding its audience on DVD. They're still undecided about making another film and haven't green lit another on yet. I wouldn't think the license would be to expensive. Certainly not on the level of Star Trek.

I thought the new one was worlds better than the Stallone version.

The soundtrack is pretty sick as well.

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
This is the table I want most for Pinball Arcade

It's a wide body DMD with very unique gameplay, based on a wildly popular comic book; especially in Europe. Its a license that doesn't need kick started. Absolute no brainer for the 'Arcade and I'm very hopeful it's coming.

Gord Lacey

Site Founder
Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
It's a wide body DMD with very unique gameplay, based on a wildly popular comic book; especially in Europe. Its a license that doesn't need kick started. Absolute no brainer for the 'Arcade and I'm very hopeful it's coming.

Sorry, Mark, but unless you know how much the license is, and how much FarSight normally pays to license something, you're not really in a position to determine whether it would need a Kickstarter or not.


New member
Sep 8, 2012
I thought that since JD was included in the Bally poll rather than the premium poll the common thinking was that it wouldn't need a KS?


New member
Nov 19, 2012
I don't think it takes a genius to figure out that a low tier comic book license (calling Judge Dredd wildly popular is an overstatement - it's mainly popular among people who are into superhero comics to begin with - either way, we can all agree he's no Superman or Spiderman) is a lot cheaper than a mainstream movie license featuring a bunch of popular actors. :)
They have done a lot of minor licensed tables without Kickstarters, so I don't see why this one should be out of the question. The recent movie was fairly low budget, too.


New member
May 10, 2012
We can all speculate that this and that license will be cheaper, but in the end any license has the potential of being expensive. It all depends on the holder of the license and how cooperative they and their lawyers are, but at least there is a good chance that FS will get this one at a decent price as apposed to Disney etc

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
I don't think it takes a genius to figure out that a low tier comic book license (calling Judge Dredd wildly popular is an overstatement - it's mainly popular among people who are into superhero comics to begin with - either way, we can all agree he's no Superman or Spiderman) is a lot cheaper than a mainstream movie license featuring a bunch of popular actors. :)
They have done a lot of minor licensed tables without Kickstarters, so I don't see why this one should be out of the question. The recent movie was fairly low budget, too.

Judge Dredd is as big as Spiderman or Batman in Europe.

Sorry, Mark, but unless you know how much the license is, and how much FarSight normally pays to license something, you're not really in a position to determine whether it would need a Kickstarter or not.

Ummm it's not just me. Pin Wiz and others agree as well. Judge Dredd was in the Bally poll not the premium license poll.
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New member
May 10, 2012
It's all in the choice of words, Mark. I do this all the time myself and discover it to late so nothing to worry about ;) You sounded like you were stating a fact and not voicing an opinion and I believe that was what Gord just wanted to say (please correct me if I got it wrong). Happens to the best of us when we are exited about something :D


New member
Nov 19, 2012
Judge Dredd is as big as Spiderman or Batman in Europe.
I can't figure out if you're joking here, but I'm gonna assume you aren't :) - Really, what makes you believe his popularity is even close to the two? True, Spiderman hasn't been that big of a thing for many years until his popularity got a huge boost with the new Spiderman movies (even though they aren't that good), but since then he's been appearing on a billion different merchandise items and toys, and still do. And Batman is HUGE, and has been for decades!

Most people, outside of geeks, won't even know who Judge Dredd is. And if they do, there's a good chance they only know him from the awful Stallone movie.

Spider-Man in Toys'r'Us
Judge Dredd in Toys'r'Us

Obviously, Judge Dredd isn't targeted at kids, but I still think that example more than proves the point, when it comes to sheer "popularity". :p
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New member
May 10, 2012
True Sumez. I had never heard of Judge Dredd before that infamous Stallone movie. I think he is a little more known in England but nothing close to the the other superheros by far

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