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  1. M

    My JJP Hobbit machine arrives today

    Smaug Edition. Ordered it on 12/1/2012 so it's been 3 years and 8 months since I ordered the damn thing. Wish me luck on it arriving in one working piece and that we can even wrangle it into the house without breaking it.
  2. M

    Are there any more tables coming this season?

    Or is that it?
  3. M

    DX11 glitch with Flight 2000

    Might be happening to everyone. As soon as you the ball is ejected into the shooter lane the game camera looks away from the table and at a light in the ceiling of the room. You can still plunge and shoot and the camera will come back to the table normally (it seems, only tested for a second). I...
  4. M

    What's with the update to 1.48.7?

    New executables and everything, but I don't see a changelog or any posts about it. I was afraid it was the new UI, but nope. Anyone know what was added?
  5. M

    New UI is being forced on us next week!?!

    The latest newsletter contains some really bad news. It looks like the new UI officially hits Steam next week (doesn't give a date). Does anybody have any more solid info on this? Is it actually going to force us to replace the existing one or will it still be an option? From the screen-shots...
  6. M

    Turn off auto-update on Steam version?

    Is it possible to keep it from auto-updating? A setting somewhere I can flip off for just TPA?
  7. M

    My Hyperspin cabinet

    Getting The Getaway yesterday inspired me to make a quick vid to show off the Steam version of TPA on my cab. It's not a V-pin, but an arcade cabinet running the Hyperspin/RocketLauncher front end with pinball buttons on the sides. Once you select the table from the themed wheel a script...
  8. M

    Anyone here in on Alien?

    I knew it was coming, but hadn't looked into it at all until today. The playfield looks great and I'm interested. However have they given an ETA on a month/year they plan to enter production? I couldn't find that info anywhere on the order info/FAQ. Karl? I can't imagine you're not getting one.
  9. M

    Mike can you guys please fix the nag screen?

    I thought for sure you'd fix it in the next update (yesterday), but it's still there. Popping up randomly over and over even though it should only happen the once. Or is there anything I can do to myself to make it stop? A file I can delete? Anything?
  10. M

    Northwest Pinball Show

    Anyone in the Seattle area going? I'll probably go on Saturday the 6th to see the Hobbit in person and I think JJP is giving a talk that evening.
  11. M

    Nag screen won't go away and DX11.exe won't launch

    Hello TPA devs, So the "check out the new table" pop-up/nag screen doesn't go away after the first time like it's supposed to on the DX11 version. We also can't launch the DX11 version directly from the PinballArcade11.exe without renaming it. Not a big deal for most, but for those of us...
  12. M

    Can the nag screen be turned off?

    Now that the DX11 version is out I've started running TPA on a cabinet. I'm using Hyperspin as a front end for it and when you pick your table it automatically launches TPA, goes to the table you want, launches it and starts it. Works pretty good. Problem is sometimes between the Title screen...
  13. M

    So against my better judgement I bought the new tables

    And I have to say I'm pleasantly surprised so far. I'm actually shocked. I've only played a game on each, but they are far more quality than I am used to seeing at a first attempt from FS. They look really good, playfields are sharp, some of the objects actually look great. Transparencies and...
  14. M

    So how broken are today's tables?

    High Roller and Lights, Camera etc... I keep telling myself that I won't give these guys anymore money because they keep feeding us broken, buggy half-assed product on purpose. But at the same time I almost can't help myself and usually buy it anyway. Soooo, Anyone tried them yet? Do they...
  15. M

    Hey guys!

    Looks like nothing new on the Vita front? No word on more patches or tables being released or anything?
  16. M

    Bill Paxton pinball machine is for sale

    As far as I know this is the only one and it looks like Ben Heck is selling it. Probably be years before it is available again so I thought I'd link it here. Then again maybe I'm wrong and they made more than one...
  17. M

    Playfield art for the hobbit released

    They showed it a couple days ago for the first time. Also the new playfield schematic. I am curious what your thoughts are on this artwork before I give my impression as someone that bought one.
  18. M

    Did you guys grab all the PS1 games you wanted for VITA?

    For the past 2 days all of the PSP and PSOne games on PSN that normally aren't Vita compatible, were. Games like Spyro 1-3, Crash 1-3, Crash Team Racing, Suikoden and a ton more. Looks like it was a mistake though as Sony is removing them from the store and download lists as we speak...
  19. M

    Capacitive touch buttons for portrait view

    The ones I ordered arrived. These ones here: I've only used them for a couple games so far, but they are pretty damn good...
  20. M

    F14 Tomcat

    What did you guys pay for yours? There is one very close to me with some minor wear and all LED's. He is asking $1500 for that and he also has a High Speed extra clean all LEDs for $1500 although he'll probably go less for both. I've never played F14, but I'm considering it. Wanted to get an...

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