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  1. M

    Full playfield reveal for JJP's Hobbit

    I'm surprised this isn't already posted here. They revealed the (supposedly) full schematic for the Hobbit table on the 14th. Personally I feel it looks emptier than I was expecting and wanting, but there is still a lot unknown. Anyway, here it is for those interested. The link points out a few...
  2. M

    The usual "How bad did the new tables turn out?"

  3. M

    So how did Star Trek turn out?

    Good? Great? Hellishly, horribly hideous?
  4. M

    TOTAN and MM pro tables for the Vita

    Has anyone actually purchased and tried them? I'm curious if it fixes any glitches. For example the Wizard mode of TOTAN won't let you launch more balls during the genie battle so it can't be completed. Is this fixed on the Pro version? The MM flipper gap, is it repaired on the Pro table? What...
  5. M

    This guy wants to trade a cow for a pinball machine. Thought I would post it in case any of you need a cow.
  6. M

    Twilight Zone for the Vita has terrible graphics.

    The playfield and plastics artwork is horridly lo-resolution. It basically looks like a blurry smear. Noticeably worse than the other tables (although NGG and Harley still have some low rez art on the upper playfield too). It looks almost as bad as when they accidentally screwed up the...
  7. M

    Flash Gordon

    Anyone have any experience with this game? It's a bit older than I would normally be interested in, but it seems like it might be a cool table.
  8. M

    Tips for buying pinball machines

    I thought a thread with some tips, tricks & links on what to look for and check on when buying a new table would be pretty useful. -Things to check when looking at used tables. -How to open them up to check. -Problems it's best to avoid. -Good places to shop for tables. -Good places to find...
  9. M

    Has anyone received their kickstarter code yet?

    I'm guessing not, but I thought I'd check.
  10. M

    So no patch/update for the Vita yet.

    Do you guys think we'll really get it this month (or TZ)? If we do what do you hope gets fixed the most?
  11. M

    I just pre-ordered myself a Hobbit pinball table from Jersey Jack!

    Sorry if this is off-topic, but I'm really excited for it after seeing just how beautiful the Wizard of Oz turned out. Just wanted to share with fellow pinball lovers! On topic: Do you think we'll ever see JJ's WOZ table in Pinball Arcade? It seems to me that it would be a good way for them...
  12. M

    LittleBigPlanet Vita has pinball parts in it.

    Just thought I would mention it. One of the levels has bumpers, slingshots and flippers in it. Another previous level has wireforms. I don't remember any of these being in the previous LBP's, but it should be possible to make pinball tables that actually look like pinball tables now. Not sure...
  13. M

    Delete save for working Trophy support?

    I read this in the other thread. Does anyone know if this is true? Do we have to delete our previous save file (all scores, goals etc...) to get the trophies working properly?
  14. M

    Any patch info anywhere?

    Has anyone seen mention of a patch incoming for the Vita version? Specifically patch notes saying what might be getting fixed? I'd love to be able to play it again.
  15. M

    What about Big Bang Bar?

    By Capcom? Any chance of this ever coming out do you think? It's so rare that it would be about the only chance anyone will ever have of actually getting to play it. Maybe they can get the guy in the vid below to let them borrow and scan it. If not...
  16. M

    PS3 version VS. Vita version

    How many of you also have the PS3 version? I don't know if you have tried it with the update and DLC yesterday, but holy hell is the PS3 version good. -Far better physics -Smoother -Far more detailed geometry -Very sharp texture work and artwork. -Better sound detail (although the volume...
  17. M

    Screwed up tables with the new update?

    Somethings not right here. Is anybody else seeing what I'm seeing? The artwork for the TOTAN playfield is completely messed up. It's very, very blurry. Almost like it's a placeholder or thumbnail art instead of what it was. It is so bad I would actually say it can't be played this way. Haven't...

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