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  1. neglectoid

    BY DESIGNER tpa... ! :)

    great list. thanks.
  2. neglectoid

    Superball's Pinvlog

    I played alot of the getaway irl. loved it. of course I wanna know what u think of it.
  3. neglectoid


    we have a rollergames in town but its in very bad condition.
  4. neglectoid

    Flipper mechanics in whirlwind!

    its called dual stage flippers. high speed has em too.
  5. neglectoid

    Pinball Arcade Fans Appreciation Thread

    next time we meet... fork to eye.just saying
  6. neglectoid

    Pinball Arcade Fans Appreciation Thread

    say that to my face.. ill be waiting for ya in the hangout, if u dare.
  7. neglectoid

    Pinball Arcade Fans Appreciation Thread

    I have thanked gord a couple of times. first time was in my user interduction thread, then also in the irc chat. but I guess it never hurts to thank someone again. thanks gord. I use your website multiple times daily. (there use to be a time that I checked it every 15 mins.) lots of great info...
  8. neglectoid

    Table Pack #42 Speculation

    hehe right on, im glad u got the joke. I wasn't bothered at all, gives me something to read.
  9. neglectoid

    Woot Woot! my first blog blah blah.

    Harley was the 1st pin IRL that I could pull a deathsave on a semi consistant basis. congrats and have fun.
  10. neglectoid

    What Table Next for PS3?

    thankz flippy floppy... I can wait.. take ur time, do ur thing,, its always good to hear an update, even if its unofficial or not.
  11. neglectoid

    Table Pack #42 Speculation

    did u just get out of jail?
  12. neglectoid

    Historical Fact Of The Day

    I thought of the same thing.
  13. neglectoid

    What Table Next for PS3?

    please dont get me addicted to this thread again.. I didnt expect to look here until end of sept. or near the Halloween table (mobile) release.
  14. neglectoid

    Hi gang!

  15. neglectoid

    July TotM Groupings and Results

    I killed it on big shot 355,000. my previous high was only 220,000. the tip that someone had mentioned (keeping the ball off the slings) did wonders for my game. syt, thanks dude, for all the fun. I didn't get to chat much in the chat room (which is usually real fun on tourney day) cuz I had...
  16. neglectoid

    Sign Up for July TotM link

    oh no. its that time already. I didn't get any practice in.
  17. neglectoid

    Table of the Week Club...Week 24: TALES OF THE ARABIAN NIGHTS

    Twilight Zone Big Shot Pin*Bot TotAN I might do ok in this tourney if I practice.
  18. neglectoid

    Table of the Week Club...Week 24: TALES OF THE ARABIAN NIGHTS

    Twilight Zone Big Shot Pin*Bot TotAN I might do ok in this tourney if I practice.

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