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  1. neglectoid

    New PSN tourney starting on 5/16

    i may do ok in this tourney. the biggest hump for me would probably be sttng. I just plain suck at that table. I actually don't mind going nuts and Harley Davidson. im not the best at whirlwind, but im ok at it, and im glad to see it in the tourney. it gives me an excuse to get better at a table...
  2. neglectoid

    So much for the Wii's "Greatness"...

    dokkenrocken.. I actually like the band dokken.. I was just trying to point out that you like to crap on alotta things that others enjoy.. plz look at all your posts (in the short time you have been here) they are more than 75% of you talking ****.. you seem like an intelligent person, and I...
  3. neglectoid

    What's your favourite table you know will never come to TPA?

    I think no fear may be possible, then again I'm mostly hoping.
  4. neglectoid

    So much for the Wii's "Greatness"...

    sorta like elecktra, the record company, kept wasting their time with the band dokken, when they could of been focusing on other better bands.
  5. neglectoid

    Request No more Gottlieb tables

    i think big shot is one of the best machines ever made. almost every time i shoot that ball i have almost zero clue where it will end up at. its pure frantic fun for me. em's are about survival, and if that's not fun for you, well... well i dunno what is fun for you.
  6. neglectoid

    Pinball Arcade Chat Room

    lets go for a walk.
  7. neglectoid

    PC - Request Higher res floor texture?

    I LOVED the old star/space carpet. but I must admit I really don't notce it (any floor) when Im getting down to bad they cant use the old 'LeMans' carpet.
  8. neglectoid

    Pinball Arcade Chat Room

    just wondering if anyone is goona show up tonight. if so bump the thread.
  9. neglectoid

    Table Pack #27 speculation

    I have very fond memories of flash. I love no fear. I have probably spent over 300 hours playing it. f-14 is an awesome game. I remember when our arcade got one in the 80's, ALOT of video gamers (non pinheads) were pumping quarters into it. on weekend nights every match was a 4 player game. you...
  10. neglectoid

    Pinball Arcade Chat Room

    you still awake H?
  11. neglectoid

    Coast 2 Coast Pinball: Official PAF Thread

    i love coast 2 coast. nate has a great voice and is very easy to listen to. I heard the episode where he interviewed you, absolutely hilarious.
  12. neglectoid

    What have you been playing? (Besides pinball)

    I've been playing this fun lil app called THREES. it's a puzzle game that's based around building the highest number that you can. I think it was only 99¢
  13. neglectoid

    Superballs PinVlog - Big Shot Commentary and Strategy

    I have no problem with the format your using to make these vids. im glad your having fun with these vids, cuz im having fun watching em. keep em coming.
  14. neglectoid

    Pinball Arcade Chat Room

    sky rockets in flight... afternoon delight
  15. neglectoid

    Pinball Arcade Chat Room

    supes are you around for a lil nonsense?
  16. neglectoid

    Request No more Gottlieb tables

    I guess you could say a was a Williams/Bally snob. it wasn't that I had any particular allegiance for them or anything, I just seemed to enjoy their machines more. but thankfully I have since outgrown that (TPA had a little influence). it pains me to think about the many classic tables that I...
  17. neglectoid

    High Speed Gameplay Video, Impressions and Commentary

    i enjoyed that more than the TPA stream. you're a good player, you seem to have great ball control and I saw a few good saves.
  18. neglectoid

    Bug Ball stuck on top of bumper

    this is how I made my 5,000,000 high score :rolleyes:
  19. neglectoid

    Nobody Special #7 1/2: BBBB

    congrats on your new machine. I have heard people say on the forums, that bugs bunny is a good game.
  20. neglectoid

    Python Anghelo passed away

    best wishes to his family. I guess I know what tables ill be playing tonight.

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