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  1. neglectoid

    Request Mata Hari

    i have a mata hari wallpaper for my phone. there are two mata hari tables near me but they are always in bad shape or down.
  2. neglectoid

    Battle of the Tables - Round 1

    Champions Pub Gorgar Medieval Madness T2 Theatre of Magic Taxi Scared Stiff Whirlwind Pinbot Monster Bash Tales of the Arabian Nights Centaur Attack From Mars Space Shuttle Twilight Zone
  3. neglectoid

    The Random Thought Thread

    MEAN DRUNK MAN said woman drive me over there she shot my rusty car then whispered nooooooo i like it here
  4. neglectoid

    Five things about yourself

    me too. i hate captcha. i always hope for the numbers instead of the letters. i always thought they could make some kinda of tv gameshow based on captcha.
  5. neglectoid

    Pinball machine owners list

    you got a killer deal! i love no fear! get that puppy up and running.
  6. neglectoid

    What tables did you play today?

    yeah, black hole finally "clicked" in for me. i finally understand why this table is beloved by people now. after some practice i am now able to hit the b-l-a-c-k h-o-l-e drop targets with alot more accuracy, and more importantly i can now survive ALOT longer on the lower playfield. got my...
  7. neglectoid

    What tables did you play today?

    played about a solid hour of black hole. having fun with it. i got my personal best up to almost 2,800,000. im starting to learn the intricacies of the table. my game times vary on this machine, sometimes its brutal to me and i have a 2-3 minute game, but other times i get a "hot" ball and it...
  8. neglectoid

    Battle of the Tables - Preliminary Round

    space shuttle vs CP harley davidson vs CPub... this one was tough for me. if it was based on real life machines, it would of been CPub. gorgar vs GN teed off vs genie... i almost chose genie black hole vs FP... once again if this was based on real machines i'd go firepower all the way, the...
  9. neglectoid

    Flippin' Out With...Scott Shelton of FarSight

    syt, that was an amazing article! i really dig your writing style.
  10. neglectoid

    Custom Ink T-shirt (my avatar)

    thats badass.
  11. neglectoid

    appearence and departure of pins at arcades

    i live in colorado springs, colorado. in the late 80's thru the late 90's there were tons of machines here. id guess about 2/3rds of the bars had at least one table in them, most of them had 2 or 3. it was awesome, not only were there tables galore, they maintained them regularly. and if...
  12. neglectoid

    What tables did you play today?

    i have been playing harley davidson the past couple of days. im still trying to get to milwaukee (the wizard mode) i have come fairly close a few times but always seem to choke when i get close to it. it actually takes quit a bit of time to get there. it doesnt help that i always for some reason...
  13. neglectoid

    Five things about yourself

    my ears aint too bad, but i do seem to ask people to repeat themselves sometimes. i guess my fav all time books are i usually read them once or twice a year. the long walk ... stephen king the dragonlance series... weiss and hickman stranger in a strange land... robert heinlein the gods...
  14. neglectoid

    Five things about yourself

    1. i watch to many cartoons. 2. i once blew smoke from my cigarette directly into michelle quans face (accidentally) she was real cool about it. 3. i have seen over 100 concerts 4. i hate typing in caps. 5. i reread the same books over and over.
  15. neglectoid

    BlahCade Podcast Poll

    anything 45 mins and over is okay by me. 30 mins may be a lil to short.
  16. neglectoid

    What tables did you play today?

    i'm too afraid to milk the saucer. i get wild bounces when it ejects out of there. i just mostly go for EB's. i am getting pretty good at hitting the upper G-O-R targets. i can hit them from a cradled left flipper by back handing the ball up there hitting the left most bumper which usually hits...
  17. neglectoid

    Most difficult Wizard Goal - a poll

    monster bash : score a moshpit super jackpot. that's a pretty tough one for me.
  18. neglectoid

    Bride of Pinbot: Tactics and Strategies

    thats insane. i never knew/noticed that that call can go back to the plunger from that area.
  19. neglectoid

    TPA Streaming Thread

    hey guys, if you are planing on streaming, post it in this thread. i'd love to watch you folks play.

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