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  1. xray23

    Half Life 3 confirmed? No, it's Portal Pinball!

    Zen has way too much going on outside the table on either side. Where does the table stop and the outside begin? Like Christian Bale said on the set of Batman, "It's ******* distracting!"
  2. xray23

    Half Life 3 confirmed? No, it's Portal Pinball!

    I hope the camera options are decent.
  3. xray23

    Half Life 3 confirmed? No, it's Portal Pinball!

    Dude!! I just hope it's not a dud like TWD or that half and half Star Wars table.
  4. xray23

    Stern's The Walking Dead

    So, if Zen has part of the license, no one else can? That stinks, Zen's version is a turd compared to Stern's.
  5. xray23

    Stern's The Walking Dead

    How hard or expensive can it really be for Farsight to actually get that table done?
  6. xray23

    Table pack #39 speculation

    Sorcerer!!! (only because I would like to see it in TPA.)
  7. xray23

    Meteor please!

    Stefan, I too have played Meteor and it is cool. I would love to see it in TPA. Also from that era: Flash, Sorcerer, Quicksilver!
  8. xray23

    Who else wants to demo tables first?

    Dead thread, eh? Well I for one would like to demo the tables before buying them.
  9. xray23

    Who else wants to demo tables first?

    Because there's no way I'm going to blind-buy tables anymore. I got burned on some of those Star Wars tables...
  10. xray23

    Same bug Support for the XBone as for the PS4?

    So.......if the Gorgar bumper lights being constantly lit and the Cirqus Voltaire neon tube always on are deemed "platform specific", they won't ever be fixed? They worked properly on XB360! FS, you must fix these bugs!
  11. xray23

    Where is season 4 ? It's releases on PS4 , so where's the month lead ?

    I wonder how many tables will be in Season Four.
  12. xray23

    Flipper lag

    Haven't noticed any flipper lag myself from the buttons. I sure hope it's people's TV's and not TPA; they got enough to fix as it is!
  13. xray23

    Xbox One Bug List

    Yeah, I can't even play Cirqus Voltaire because that neon light is so bright and always on that the ball gets "lost" on that side of the table. Real bummer.

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