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  1. Nightwing

    Farsight's Official Pre-1980 Poll

    Kinggo,I'm with you. As much as I love me some Xenon,that table out of this list has the best chance by far of getting made on its own. So,while I'd like to vote for most of them - Paragon gets my vote here.
  2. Nightwing

    Favorite pre-1980 table?

    Since Xenon is a 1980 table,Paragon gets my vote
  3. Nightwing

    Table pack #35 speculation thread.

    LOL. I love me some Troopers,so I'm happy to get this game,and go watch the film again. Besides,Dina Meyer is in it :)
  4. Nightwing

    ALL of those Lawlor tables

    You know what? I'll take all of Lawlor's tables in TPA. Some people like his work,some don't as much. I happen to like most of his tables - which is no slight against any of the other "big" pinball designers - because I like their stuff too. Well,realistically you are looking at two to possibly...
  5. Nightwing

    TPA to Return to XBox 360

    Probably a reply to a FB post - you can check there.
  6. Nightwing

    Limited Time Achievement: Genie Challenge

    I'll start working on this one ASAP.
  7. Nightwing

    Wednesday November 26th, 2014

    Bought all three seasons. So far so good! I'll post my thoughts later
  8. Nightwing

    Request STAR TREK 25TH ANNIVERSARY Pinball

    I would LOVE for this pin to get into TPA. Sadly,it's probably a longshot at best.
  9. Nightwing

    Wednesday November 26th, 2014

    Maybe you should ask in the PC thread...
  10. Nightwing

    Wednesday November 26th, 2014

    I'll be there on Wednesday.
  11. Nightwing

    EARTHSHAKER ! Shake us up !

    You and me both! Looking forward to Earthshaker though.
  12. Nightwing

    So TPA is coming to Xbox One in June (hopefully)

    Good! Now I just need to see if I'll need any more funds in order to get all three seasons. Having a bulk deal for all three would be awesome!
  13. Nightwing

    Table Pack #34 speculation thread

    I'll say Starship Troopers,since it seems like we know half the season already. It will make a nice start for the new year.
  14. Nightwing

    Table pack 33 speculation thread

    Many of which lots of people want.
  15. Nightwing

    November Games

    I'm still playing Destiny. Also picked up COD,and still have Alien:Isolation to play. Lego Batman 3 this week,and that will probably do it,unless TPA finally releases on the Xbox One...
  16. Nightwing

    Worst/most boring game on pInball Arcade?

    My vote is for Goin' Nuts,hands down. The only reason I play it at all now is if it's in a tourney,or once in a blue moon - because it's still the only iOS table for which I don't have all the standard goals. There are a couple of other pins near the bottom of the list - but GN is the clear...
  17. Nightwing

    Last 11 Bally DMD machines

    Shadow,Dr.Who,& Dredd. Safecracker would be next.
  18. Nightwing

    TPA to Return to XBox 360

    If you go to the TPA FB page,click on posts to page - you'll find the info there.
  19. Nightwing

    Who Did it better? TOYS

    AFM gets my vote. MM being a close second.

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