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  1. Kratos3

    Newsletter 39 statistics

    Now just integrate those statistics capabilities into the UI.
  2. Kratos3

    CONTEST: Predict Season 5 & Table Packs 39 & 40!

    39. Eight Ball Deluxe 40. The Getaway 41. F-14 42. Freddy 43. Paragon 44. Rescue 911 45. TSPP 46. Fireball 47. Radical! 48. Swords of Fury 49. Judge Dredd 50. The Shadow
  3. Kratos3

    Newsletter 39 statistics

    They were included with very popular tables.
  4. Kratos3

    Bugs, Glitches, and General Issues [PS VITA]

    On TAF, the THING lights aren't centered under the DMD in portrait. They're offset to the left.
  5. Kratos3

    Flipper physics 3.0

    It just feels better.
  6. Kratos3

    So against my better judgement I bought the new tables

    If there still is, I don't really notice.
  7. Kratos3

    Table pack #40 speculation

    Fireball is a favorite of at least one staff member, if I recall. No conspiracy, just a chance for people to vote for a table that actually had a chance of winning. I think we'll see Paragon and Fireball before it's all said and done.
  8. Kratos3

    Table pack #39 speculation

    You gotta get one right once in a while, right? :p
  9. Kratos3


    Hey, I agree. I'm all for Farsight taking a couple months off of making new tables to shore up the current ones and take care of outstanding issues, plan the new tables releases and all that. Is that possible for them? Only they know. I really feel like their biggest mistake was saying new...
  10. Kratos3


    Having it done way in advance and planning the release. Zen doesn't release 12 new tables a year, usually.
  11. Kratos3

    So against my better judgement I bought the new tables

    I have to say, I do prefer the aspect ratio of the iPad.
  12. Kratos3

    Table pack #40 speculation

    Like I said, a stretch goal over and above the cost for TSPP.
  13. Kratos3

    Bug Table History Mistake

    I'll bet he says he hates this site. :o
  14. Kratos3

    Flipper physics 3.0

    I agree about the feel of the flippers just feeling more.....right. It's odd to play Xenon for a while and then go to Medieval Madness or any of the early tables. I have to say, there aren't many tables left out there that I just need to have, but with the improved flipper physics and more...
  15. Kratos3

    Gameplay Video

  16. Kratos3

    TPA HW requirements (searching for new tablet)

    Hard to argue with that.
  17. Kratos3

    Gameplay Video

  18. Kratos3

    Gameplay Video

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