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  1. Captain B. Zarre

    PINBALL DISSECTED: A new blog series by Captain B. Zarre

    So because I wanted to give shutyertrap's Table of the Week program more coverage, I decided to make a blog series where I'd go into the tables more in-depth than I do within an actual post. One of my goals as a person is to provide advice with everyone and from my two years of pinball...
  2. Captain B. Zarre

    Twitchstream General Discussion

    I won't be streaming this Thursday either. Feel free to stream all you want :D
  3. Captain B. Zarre

    Iron & Steel Pack (CastleStorm and Wild West Rampage)

    So I'm going to guess who designed these tables: CastleStorm looks like it was designed by the same person who did Walking Dead. Like in that game there's a lot of words to spell and a mini-playfield with lots of targets to shoot at. Wild West Rampage I'm not so sure about. I feel Ypok may...
  4. Captain B. Zarre

    Twitchstream General Discussion

    I'm not streaming on Thursday, I gave that spot to you. Remember how I mentioned we would alternate months we streamed after FarSight? And besides, TAF is the next table. I don't think it'll be on PS4 anytime soon. :)
  5. Captain B. Zarre

    Iron & Steel Pack (CastleStorm and Wild West Rampage)

    I'm pretty hype! There's gonna be something for me to stream in two weeks :)
  6. Captain B. Zarre

    Last 11 Bally DMD machines

    I voted on: - Judge Dredd - Indy 500 - Safecracker But in retrospect I REALLY wish I put Corvette or The Shadow on there.
  7. Captain B. Zarre

    Pinball Arcade Chat Room

    Move your carpet!
  8. Captain B. Zarre

    Twitchstream General Discussion

    No stream tonight but I'd like to promote PKSparkxx's #MarioKartMondays stream tonight.
  9. Captain B. Zarre

    Pinball Arcade Chat Room

    Who says you can't take it with you?!
  10. Captain B. Zarre

    Table of the Week Club...week 4: FLIGHT 2000

    So I managed to get all Wizard Goals as well. Wizard Goal 5 (Score at least 2m Points) is bugged on my iPad, it registered at the end of one of my balls when I only had about 250k.
  11. Captain B. Zarre

    Table of the Week Club...week 4: FLIGHT 2000

    Oh, Ok. Well I've still beat yours and Pinballwiz's high scores :3
  12. Captain B. Zarre

    Table of the Week Club...week 4: FLIGHT 2000

    The weekly leaderboards for F2K on iOS have your name on it.
  13. Captain B. Zarre

    Table of the Week Club...week 4: FLIGHT 2000

    Are you on iOS? If you are your devices don't say you have it. Anyway, I beat your high score on iOS. 7,980,000 :D
  14. Captain B. Zarre

    Table of the Week Club...week 4: FLIGHT 2000

    My score on this table at the moment is 4,233,150. Because I lost all my Table Goals Im hoping to complete them all by the end of this week! :)
  15. Captain B. Zarre

    Twitchstream General Discussion

    Today the golf course, tomorrow the parking lot!
  16. Captain B. Zarre

    Twitchstream General Discussion

    Well, they played those two exact tables last week so... ;)
  17. Captain B. Zarre

    Twitchstream General Discussion

    Nope, they played STTNG and AFM.
  18. Captain B. Zarre

    Tournament Jan 30 - Feb 6

    I landed in #26 in Gold Division! :D

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