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  1. P

    Offline high score

    It may, I think I have had scores saved offline, but can't remember now. You could always try to leave the table up until you hit a spot then exit out of the game? Not sure if that would work.
  2. P

    Bug Wizard Goals achievement not registering on ios.

    Well, here is hoping Farsight releases an autofix for both ST and Genie. Also, are the top 3 scores in Genie hacks? You are #4, then flipmon #5, then me at #6 but the top 3 are ridiculous.
  3. P

    Bug Wizard Goals achievement not registering on ios.

    This is spot on. Also, did GC give you credit for high score on your table?
  4. P

    Bug Wizard Goals achievement not registering on ios.

    Great. Hopefully I can make it to 3M, but after Farsight fixes this. LOL.
  5. P

    Three Balls or Five?

    Just a follow up. Been using 3 balls for a couple days now and crushing the scores and my average almost everytime. 2M, 1.6M, 1.4M scores in the last 20 games.
  6. P

    Three Balls or Five?

    I am going to have to agree. The most I scored was in the tournament, around 1.7M with 5 balls. I just finished a game at 1.35 with 3 balls and earned only 1 extra ball during that game. I had a chance for more the other 3 balls but missed my shots.
  7. P

    Where's the tournament?

  8. P

    Where's the tournament?

    Neither do I really, and could go with the idea of no EB's.
  9. P

    Where's the tournament?

    Now that the tourney is done, when can we expect the custom balls? Not complaining or anything here, just curious do they post it? Or does it come with the next update? I think i may run into issues as my farsight acct email is different from my Apple/iTunes acct.
  10. P

    Where's the tournament?

    Yes, nice job on Genie. I am gunning to take that back over:D
  11. P

    How does the Tournament calc score?

    I could go for this. I will admit the only table I restart is ST:TNG. That able hates me with a passion. I cannot get a flow going ever and when I do it is short lived. Even on TZ I can get going well. On ST I get a lot of rattles on the shots that seems inconsistent and frustrates me to no...
  12. P

    How does the Tournament calc score?

    Not sure exactly on the scoring via standings by points, but even if you improve your score on one table, if others are beating your scores on other tables, then you will drop.
  13. P

    I'm not against older tables, but is this boring?

    I love Gorgar, but this table I think does grow on you. Similar to Big Shot where if you have a great game, you keep coming back for more punishment. Maybe I prefer the older games?
  14. P

    Request Allow tournament high scores to save to table

    I agree, have set 4 new high scores since the tourney. Half the tables and while I may get a couple new custom pinballs, would be nice to have those scores saved.
  15. P

    How typical...tournament luck

    Haven't had a crash, but did set two scoring records (Gorgar and Elvira) so no increase in HOF points.
  16. P

    Bug Ball through flippers

    Well again nevermind. I just played the table on the tournament and scored a whopping 29k due to the flippers not working.
  17. P

    Bug Ball through flippers

    Hmmm, well. I set the pad down for a little. Came back to play again and it was fine. So nevermind?
  18. P

    Bug Ball through flippers

    Been playing this again since the tournament. I have no issues with the tourney table, but went offline today and played a game (iPad3) and had both flippers lower half not registering when the ball came at them. Anyone else? Weird that this wouldn't happen in tourney, but did offline.
  19. P

    How typical...tournament luck

    Congrats on the scoring though. At l;east you know it is possible now. And at least you didn't register it, then lose it on an update or something.

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