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  1. F

    Android Beta 1.31 #2

    Should be fixed in the next build. Have you tried turning down the detail?
  2. F

    Android Beta 1.31 #2

    Thanks for all the info, and like Jared said, it's going to take some time before it gets resolved because we don't have enough resources but at least it will be in our database. Kicked in where?
  3. F

    No New PS3 Tables Today?

    We do pull the sounds from the ROM, however it is an older table. It was produced in 1986 which was around the same time Pin Bot and Victory were created.
  4. F

    Android Beta 1.31 #2

    Do you have your event camera turned off?
  5. F

    Android Beta 1.31 #2

    Beta 1.31 This is an Old Build. ----- For Testers ----- There are a few fixes in this build: - General texturing fixes - Clock on the backglass is now fixed - HUD clock scaling has been fixed - Initial entry...
  6. F

    Android Beta 1.31

    This occurs because the wall collision sticks out into the left upper flipper. Normaly the ball bounces off of it and rolls back to the left upper flipper. However something is causing the trajectory to or the ball speed to slow down enough so that it hits the wall collision that makes it appear...
  7. F

    Android Beta 1.31

    You can post it here or send me a message and I'll put it in our database.
  8. F

    Android Beta 1.31

    Because it was either overlooked or it may not have been carried over on all platforms. Thats why im sending constant reminders to the programmers to get these fixes in and it's easier to do that by providing the Beta data.
  9. F

    Android Beta 1.31

    Beta 1.31 This is an old build. ----- For Testers ----- • Goals are in and ready for testing • Coin door operations may not be working correctly • Audio is in but their might be sound priority problems. • Most major...
  10. F

    High Roller Casino

    If this is regarding the ball speed, "All platforms use the exact same physics code and ball speed. The only difference is low end phones run at 30fps, so we do 2 physics updates per frame, so the ball moves the same, it will just look choppier."
  11. F

    No New PS3 Tables Today?

    There were sound engine changes on all PSN platforms and the PSN Summer Sale starts on August 19th.
  12. F

    Bugs, Glitches, and General Issues [PS VITA]

    This is the thread for that sort of business though.
  13. F

    24 Hr Android Beta 1.30

    Is this happening in the beta build or the google play build? I tested it earlier and the ramp seemed fine. The ball should have a clear path once the ramp is down, but the other two raised phases of the ramp will have a collision that stops the ball from progressing.
  14. F

    24 Hr Android Beta 1.30

    Android Beta 1.28 #3 This is an old Build. ----- For Testers ----- A bad patch was put out on the google store earlier today so we had worked on fix for the affected tables. However it increased the size of the game. We...
  15. F

    July tournament bugs

    A bad patch was put out on the store earlier today. Their is a new temporary patch in the store now that will resolve the plunging/multi ball issue that is occurring on various tables. We are releasing an open beta in a new thread to help insure that all issues have been resolved.
  16. F

    Android Beta 1.28 #3

    From what ive noticed; The camera angle does not change unless you change the camera angle to camera angle 1. I am not noticing any other odd behavior with the camera functions. I'll have to look more into this tomorrow.
  17. F

    Android Beta 1.28 #3

    Orbals and monitoring the beta forums. I got 1 more day of cramming then it's back to focusing on just Pinball.
  18. F

    Android Beta 1.28 #3

    I'm not able to reproduce this: I start in camera angle 4 I plunge the ball into the roulette table While the ball is in the roulette table, I select the camera change 2 times (the number value does not change) When the ball drops from the roulette bowl, the camera angle is 2 which would be...
  19. F

    Android Beta 1.28 #3

    I bumped the issue.
  20. F

    Android Beta 1.28 #3

    Rolling doubles is like when the dice roll 2 and 2 or 5 and 5. If the dice roll 5 and 5, the Roll N Win table moves 5 selections and automatically selects that prize. When the ball drops from the roulette table onto the main play field. Remember, you can turn off the event camera for the...

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