got myself GTA 5 on special and spent $200 on shark cards . never played it before . playing online only , loving the casino . there`s a lot to learn , but I`m fumbling my way through . here`s a clip I think you would never have thought would happen . it`s 2 umpires in our top AFL . Eleni is our...
love this football in my time zone , in about an hour and half Chelsea vs Barcelona , tomorrow night , Arsenal vs Real Madrid . I`m so rapt I don`t have to wait till after midnight to start watching , I can close my eyes before midnight hehe .:cool:
well done to the Silver Ferns , that was once again a great World Cup Final between the 2 cousins from across the ditch . 52-51 couldn`t get any closer , and well done to Liverpool , what a great World Cup , and to the girls all I can say wow , the top 4 sides played about 8 games in 10 days...
just watching the Women`s cricket match Australia vs England , cut it short in half an hour for Juventus vs Tottenham Hotspurs , then straight that the Women`s World Cup in netball Australia vs our NZ cousins .:cool:
love South Park ZREXMike , it`s Saturday night I`m watching football then I remembered Gabriel from the night before , I say to myself put it up , so here it is .:cool:
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