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  1. Pinballwiz45b

    PAPA Metallica Tutorial

    There's a Metallica near where I live; can't wait to start playing it :) (Thanks, Bowen!)
  2. Pinballwiz45b

    Zen Pinball - Star Wars

    I also like how they make a remark on some tables when you do a death save. Try it on Han Solo ;)
  3. Pinballwiz45b

    Request Fix Audio pitch for some tables

    I touched on this a while back; I'm not sure where they're at on this issue.
  4. Pinballwiz45b

    *NITPICK WARNING!* Zen Pinball - why?

    I thought Farsight sponsored for IFPA as well.
  5. Pinballwiz45b

    Table Pack #27 speculation

    One problem: Both are Halloween games, and I doubt that they'll include them until September and October.
  6. Pinballwiz45b

    Which table won the poll?

    The first three I'll be fine with, but I'd love to visit High Roller Casino again.
  7. Pinballwiz45b

    Which table won the poll?

    Hmmmm, I wonder what Stern it will be...?
  8. Pinballwiz45b

    Release Date

    Most likely May 9th.
  9. Pinballwiz45b

    timeframe on dx11

    Correct me if I'm wrong on this, but didn't they say that DX 11 will be finished the same time as when the Xbox One version releases?
  10. Pinballwiz45b

    Is there or is there not a reasonable chance to get The Addams Family?

    I believe they've done it for Goin' Nuts, since there are only 10 available and that there was one over at the Pinball Hall of Fame.
  11. Pinballwiz45b

    Impressive Farsight

    TotalBiscuit did mention things about TPA on his Star Wars Pinball video.
  12. Pinballwiz45b

    *NITPICK WARNING!* Zen Pinball - why?

    It was "Engine ignited!" But yeah, anyway, I think Moon Knight has one of the best quotes of all Zen tables. It's early on the video I recently posted.
  13. Pinballwiz45b

    Table Pack #26 speculation

    The next game is Junk Yard. End of line!
  14. Pinballwiz45b

    timeframe on dx11

    I wish DirectX 11 would come sooner :( Does anyone know how much longer it will take?
  15. Pinballwiz45b

    TPA Streaming Thread

    Sorry I couldn't see your stream; 2:00 AM was way too late for me. Although, I would love to see some action of Fish Tales and Black Rose on PS4.
  16. Pinballwiz45b

    The "what does machine build quality mean to you?" thread

    The middle one malfunctions where I play TSPP. Now I basically have to shake it out of there if it doesn't lower before kickout -.-

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