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  1. Kratos3

    PS Vita 100% Trophy Club

    90% Monster Bash Wizard! Finally got that Mosh Pit Super Jackpot.
  2. Kratos3

    Dynamic lighting

    How cool would it be to have this level of lighting in TPA? I know that the Vita probably will never get this type of treatment due to resources and not being lucrative enough for FS, but how amazing would tables like Attack From Mars, Circus Voltaire, and well pretty much every table look...
  3. Kratos3

    Bugs, Glitches, and General Issues [PS VITA]

    I'm noticing a bit more jerky ball movement lately, and on just about every table.
  4. Kratos3

    BlahCade Podcast #12 - The Extraordinarily Awkward Pause

    Great job guys! It was good to hear mostly pinball and TPA talk. I was really hoping these podcasts would be mostly things like Lost in the Zone and such, and this was a really good episode. I have to say that I agree with your guys' awards and the conversation on the KS. Spot on.
  5. Kratos3

    PS Vita "Super Patch"

    I think some screen caps are in order.
  6. Kratos3

    PS Vita - Request Challenges Mode

    I approve of this message, especially given how buggy the tournaments have been lately.
  7. Kratos3

    So TPA is coming to Xbox One in June (hopefully)

    I didn't know it was so expensive. That's kind of crazy. Hopefully Xbone comes out soon. Not that I care about the Xbone version, but so that the PS4 version will come out that much sooner!
  8. Kratos3

    can FS add pro mode to MB/CBL/others??

    It's kinda crazy that MB doesn't have pro.
  9. Kratos3

    PS Vita "Super Patch"

    I'll settle for having more trophies than you....;)
  10. Kratos3

    Confirmed upcoming tables

    Cyclone and Earthshaker this season, IMO.
  11. Kratos3

    Recompense for Vita Owners

    It was a joke. Futurama is an underrated show too, btw.
  12. Kratos3

    The Addams Family Kickstarter is LIVE

    I think the back glass was the only likeness.
  13. Kratos3

    PS Vita 100% Trophy Club

    88% Space Shuttle Wizard!
  14. Kratos3

    Recompense for Vita Owners

    Are you saying that something on the internet is wrong?
  15. Kratos3

    PS Vita "Super Patch"

    Sounds good! Looking forward to improved portrait controls too!
  16. Kratos3

    who doesnt want free credits?!?

    Why are you guys getting so worked up about an app that is clearly designed to generate income for Farsight?
  17. Kratos3

    TPA to Return to XBox 360

    I'd say Xbone, maybe. 360, probably not. Just a guess, as they've talked about Xbone being in certification, and 360 needing to be cleaned up a bit.

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