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  1. Pinballwiz45b

    What are you going to do with Gunther?

    Tee'd Off will most likely be 100% ROMulated, so they won't make the same mistakes they did with the Gottlieb Collection, along with Victory. That being said, it would be neat to animate Gunther at the top of the backbox. Maybe include a second camera or a replica on the HUD to make him move...
  2. Pinballwiz45b

    Bug Terminator 2: Ball Phases Through Leftmost Red Target below the Jets

    OS Version: Windows 7 Graphics Card: NVIDIA Geforce GTX 465 Ram: 8GB Version #: 0.012 Display Mode: Full Screen Display Resolution: “1680x1050” Frequency of Occurrence: Sometimes Expected Result: Ball bumps onto the target and goes out of control. Actual Result: Ball acts like the target...
  3. Pinballwiz45b

    PC - Request Login process handled in-game (no outside dialog boxes)

    Here's a temporary workaround in fullscreen mode: After you Login, wait a few seconds, then press Enter again. Should take you back to the main menu.
  4. Pinballwiz45b

    Bug No Good Gofers - Right Lock goofs up when two balls get stuck inside the hole

    OS Version: Windows 7 Graphics Card: NVIDIA Geforce GTX 465 Ram: 8GB Version #: 0.012 Display Mode: Full Screen Display Resolution: “1680x1050” Frequency of Occurrence: Sometimes Expected Result: Both balls should come out, no problem (unless in single ball play). Actual Result: Kickout does...
  5. Pinballwiz45b

    Bug Terminator 2 Lock sometimes phases through the wall, and into the Left Orbit

    OS Version: Windows 7 Graphics Card: NVIDIA Geforce GTX 465 Ram: 8GB Version #: 0.015 Display Mode: Full Screen Display Resolution: “1680x1050” Frequency of Occurrence: Sometimes Expected Result: Always lands into the Lock, loading into the cannon. Actual Result: Hard shots into the Lock may...
  6. Pinballwiz45b

    Table Pack #18 "Speculation"

    I hope they ROMulate Haunted House and not script it like Microsoft Games did...
  7. Pinballwiz45b

    First Pac-Man game comes over to Steam...

    One more month until it launches on Steam...I can't wait :D
  8. Pinballwiz45b

    Lyman's Lament

    Lyman's Lament quotes: After entering the code: "I can't get no respect." (0 credits) "Totally!" (1 or more credits/Free Play) Upon activation of the mode: "Oh, big drain coming here." "Aw, dude, don't drain, don't drain!" Stage 1: "Uh-oh, look out." "Oh, that's trouble." "Oh, that is BIG...
  9. Pinballwiz45b

    CV ball is ridiculously floaty...

    I can confirm this behavior in the PC Beta. Could the physics be made better somehow?
  10. Pinballwiz45b

    Beta Vs 0.012

    I can't get into my account, either in windowed or fullscreen. While in windowed, I press OK on the "Login Complete." and it doesn't log me in.
  11. Pinballwiz45b

    Beta Vs 0.012

    Tried logging in while in window mode. Doesn't work yet.
  12. Pinballwiz45b

    Beta Vs 0.011

    Confirmed as well.
  13. Pinballwiz45b

    Beta Vs 0.011

    Terminator 2 isn't displaying.
  14. Pinballwiz45b

    Bug Few more issues:

    All bugs reported above are present in version 0.012.
  15. Pinballwiz45b

    Beta Vs 0.011

    Updated to 0.012. Game tries to start up, but fails to launch.
  16. Pinballwiz45b

    Table Pack #18 "Speculation"

    Most likely Haunted House and Tee'd Off, with Elvira's Party as Table of the Month
  17. Pinballwiz45b

    Enhanced version of the Star Trek: The Next Generation table on PS4 to be shown at E3

    We got another PS4 screen in our hands...looking pretty good :D
  18. Pinballwiz45b

    Request Difficulty Settings

    +9001 But seriously, harder games = more enjoyable, I hope.
  19. Pinballwiz45b

    Beta Vs 0.011

    I know that...but I'm not getting the update somehow. Did anyone else get the latest version?
  20. Pinballwiz45b

    The Random Thought Thread


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