battery lifes gonna be pretty below average for highend "tablets" 4-6 hours would be my guess, i hope theres proper support and not just ports of mobile games from the third parties, if its true that the new zelda is also on this i might consider one and a sane pricepoint
you kinda have to consider the business modeltoo, farsight relies on quick turn arounds likemost games the majority of sales are made in the first month a the 1-2 tables on offer are the golden carrot, with updates taking months or more on consoles i guess people are even pickier about what they...
good luck guys great to see new blood, gingerbeard approves
edit- also as a introduction table zen stuff doesnt really hurt no reason the next table couldnt be for the more serious simulation players among us...or even a free "difficulty" upgrade
edit2- look at those sweet insert ligh diffusions
nobody is required to understand or appericate every table....but i personally like gottliebs but imnot blind to the faults in the comparison to some others. us red headed stepchildren stick together! its been awhile since ive played tpa so im choppin at he bit to go alittle gonzo on certain...
interesting concept, needa look up more about the soc see if its really that viable in terms of being even remotely practical outside emulation
edit- text on such a tiny screen would suck even in mostly visual games. id like to see how that battery holds up under full load, amd drivers have...
emuz b 4 da evil hax0rs innit, dey turn ur phone into a 1mhz puter wit 16k of rams, thats like and std eveyone has it!
id say only since nintedno and big name companies started using emulation for old arcade/consoles games did the act itself(at least in terms of games emulation) loose the...
dreamcast q3, i remember it well slightly modified levels to suit smaller groups..4 people on a 33.6k line! whoo hooo thought i did use a keyboard a mouse heh
to be fair the keyboard was because of obession with sonic adventure forums(the yanks had the fancy chat system)
welcome to the fourm
its none of your concern or business what he does and doesnt do dizzer, stop attacking the guy ffs, his play style and yours differ big deal, live and let live
well he did just dial it in...
from the name i was kinda hoping for a 80s/90s style parody (with some doctor dude)of the modern connected world, to constrast with its tech and glitizy features. for me doctor dude is 90s cheese at its stinkiest, ive always been very fond of the theme and the...
some people like to to finish what they started and its a tiny bit of a cheat if your into the achivments thing anyway.i tend to play it the same way too as if i actually put 20p in its all about immersion i guess, the way you play a game fundamentaly changes if you play the reset game imo
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