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  1. H

    Zaccaria Pinball - update v3.3

    pffft tsk and hoo hahhhh
  2. H

    Zaccaria Pinball - update v3.3

    wildone preformance wise i find this update much better i suggest turning of the background and taking thr glass of and turn particles off works fine and dandy and still as pretty
  3. H

    Pinball Arcade Chat Room

    do something sir tacosalott
  4. H

    Any chance of seperate IOS and Android forums?

    id like to put all pokemon fans in plastic balls and roll them into a lake just sayin
  5. H

    Zaccaria Pinball - update v3.3

    can anyone use the swipe to nudge function? either one just gives me touch, timeshicks got me on a swipe kick
  6. H

    Zaccaria Pinball - update v3.3

    tehy are passable....
  7. H

    Table of the Week Club...week 7: CREATURE FROM THE BLACK LAGOON!

    As i understand it the code farsight use to track rollovers sometimes misses huge bumps in score so its safer to make the roll over as minimal as possible.
  8. H

    Any chance of seperate IOS and Android forums?

    drop the twenty and catch em all pickachu
  9. H

    Has TPA stopped working?

    had this with taf
  10. H

    Table of the Week Club...week 7: CREATURE FROM THE BLACK LAGOON!

    theres only three real viable options limited yourself to 9.999, tweak the score slowley over the roll over, or suck it up, in the end you can take a screenie of the cut off score tho ive missed out on many roll overs but yeh not much can be done in this case my advise is get as close as...
  11. H

    Pinball Arcade Chat Room

    sometimes i do wonder why i bump this thread, but pinballers as a whole arent known to be socialble
  12. H

    timeframe on dx11

    pffft ive been rockin the app for over a year you can both kiss my ass
  13. H

    Pinball Arcade Chat Room

    yeah all the kool kids drink this
  14. H

    [ANDROID] Zaccaria Pinball update v1.1

    well the thing about ask is they will happily give credit where its due, and since it applies to both mobile versions i think theyd happy host it for you and link it via the app edit - also experienced users might be kids in a sweetie shop but good docs are needed for the new guys.
  15. H

    Any chance of seperate IOS and Android forums?

    everyone knows ios users can afford better hitmen! 10k iwacthes as bonuses
  16. H

    Any chance of seperate IOS and Android forums?

    they are both clearly labeled version wise man, and theres a great deal of overlap

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