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  1. djwille

    Zen Pinball 2 for PS3 and PS Vita

    I must say that the 3D effects of zen pinball 2 are the best in game history. Wow what beautifull in 3D.....
  2. djwille

    Update is live 4-9-2012

    Oooo yes zen pinball 2 i also are waiting for it. Another great titel. This day is a good day for pinball lovers who have a psvita.
  3. djwille

    Update is live 4-9-2012

    When checking the update list i only see 4 new tables and no bug fixes!
  4. djwille

    Update is live 4-9-2012

    No problem... .Also the ps3 has a update!
  5. djwille

    Update is live 4-9-2012

    Update is live with 4 tables. But the tables are not in the store yet.
  6. djwille

    Bug Android Version 1.5.0 Bugs and Feedback

    Harley davidson bug: It happend 2 times already that i had à multiball and when all balls are gone the table is thinking that there is a ball in the game. Then i go to option and select call attendant but then nothing happens. So my new highscore is gone because i had to quit the game manuely.
  7. djwille

    Taxi and Harley Davidson release date?

    I read on the newsletter that this weekend it Will be releases on iOS...... I hope so. I play it Now on my android. Wow good job farsight.... My iPad is screaming for THE update hahahaha and also my ps3 and vita. My gilfriend is not happy with me... Because i act like à Child who had his first...
  8. djwille

    PS Vita PS Vita Graphical Problems

    Thxxx Crush3d_Turtle. I'm glad that somebody is talking about the Vita version. I hope Farsight planning to make these bugs and glitches disapear. Greetingzz
  9. djwille

    PS3 Pinball Controller WIP

    Wow it looks awsome. I want onze Now lol.... I'm looking forwards to THE finished product. Keep up THE good stuff.
  10. djwille

    PS3 Pinball Controller WIP

    Can you make a manual for this great PS3 Pinball Controller WIP. I also want one. I can't wait till it finish! Keep up for the good stuff. Respect!
  11. djwille

    The Official PSN ID Thread

    Ad me djwille
  12. djwille

    How can I improve my Pinball skills?

    @Michael Also i am a amature and i have played a lot of pinball in the 90's. Now i'm only playing Pinball Arcade because there are not many pinball machines in this area. I also be a member of the NFV (A dutch flipper club) and they have +80 flipper machines but it's not nearby so i have to...
  13. djwille

    Round 3: Post Your Questions for Bobby King

    Is there a chance that the PSvita version have a potroitmode 90 degrees to the right so that we can use the X button for the left flipper and the triangle button for the right flipper and the stick for the nudge control? I don't like the nudge being controled by the touchscreen. I think many...
  14. djwille

    PS Vita Pinball friends wanted.

    My ID for the PS Vita is: djshadow28 My ID on the PS3 is: djwille So here is my update. Because sony had a update on there psvita firmware i'm now on US Account with my PSVita. There for my post is edited.
  15. djwille

    Do you prefer the new lighting on the original tables?

    I also saw a big diverence when i compare the tables on the ps3 with the tables from my Ipad. oooo And i love the lighting what a good job farsight!!! Keep up the good stuff and i hope this effect also can ported to the Vita.
  16. djwille

    Request Better portrait mode for Vita

    Oooo yes i want it to. I hope farsight will read this post!
  17. djwille

    Screwed up tables with the new update?

    Yes drassigheid THE for the respons. I'm happy to hear from farsight! I know they do everything for us so we can enjoy THE beautifull pinballmachines. Keep up the good stuff farsight.
  18. djwille

    UPDATE for PSVITA is ouy now! Patch 1.01

    I hope farsight Will bring another update that will fix the grafics problems in the vita. The to new tables are great.
  19. djwille

    Screwed up tables with the new update?

    yes the screen resolution is very ungly. damn i hope it can be fixed quickly. the new tables are not in the store yet. I hope the new tables looks good and not with the low res. look.
  20. djwille

    UPDATE for PSVITA is ouy now! Patch 1.01

    Yes the UPDATE for PSVITA is ouy now! Patch 1.01 Pinbot and Midevil Madness!! The new loading logo is very nice !!!! Thx farsight;)

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