Achievements ended many table packs ago on iOS due to the maximum 100 achievements being reached. I was gutted at the time and I probably do play a little less as a result.
Ripleys is here, along with a bit of a sound issue hopefully sorted soon with a sound chip swap.
No LEDs in this one so plenty of fun to be had modding it. BSD should be gone in the next few days leaving space for the RFM. Going to miss the BSD though.
Big Bang Bar can clearly be see in the group photo;
Seriously is there a snippet of anything we haven't yet seen in the group shot? Get your magnifying lenses out!
No problem Josh, I really appreciate your show. Going back just a few months and pinball podcasts were very infrequent, now with yours, coast2coast, the pinball podcast and the junkies now is a great time to be a pinball nerd.
No with these 2 added and the loaner BSD removed that's all the room gone, maybe just enough room for a standup mame/jamma cabinet.
....but wait....that dining room table hardly ever gets used! :>)
" My name is Kevin and I'm a pinball addict! " lol. This is getting out of hand, I've bought 2 machines in a week. The first one, an RFM was planned and will be here in about 2 weeks. The 2nd one, RBION, I couldn't pass up as I've been badgering the guy to sell it to me ever since he got it then...
I thought all those bugs were in the list, I've certainly moaned about them enough over the past, what is it now? 14 or 15 months the table has been out? Sadly I've long since given up ( as Farsight seem to have ) on this table and was shocked to see it in the current tourney.
Added the Arcade Outsiders Podcast - [ iTunes - RSS - YouTube ] to the list. Warning, no pinball in this
If you can't get enough pinball including listening to podcasts you're really spoilt for choice atm, Coast 2 Coast pinball releasing a new episode every couple of days along...
Yeah to fit more in I had to swap to the other side because behind the shadow there is a bit of wall that sticks out and stops you getting the glass off if the other way around but behind a pinball it fits nicely inbetween the legs, hope that makes sense. I'm making the most of being single and...
It was nice to hear Nate give the shout out, I hadn't thought about how this thread could cause increased traffic to his site. It's also nice to hear pinheads acknowledge that games like TPA are partly responsible for the current upsurge in pinball, it's definitely responsible for me being into...
I think its pretty much been annouced as TAF hasn't it? After playing it recently for the first time and wondering what all the fuss was about I'd rather it was SPP though.
The Indy is a 9/10, would be a 10 if the left side wasn't faded. The other 2 are more like 7/10, a bit bumped about cabinet wise but the playfields are pretty good and they play well.
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