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  1. Kevlar

    When are we going to get another Stern table?

    Don't forget people that Farsight have yet to emulate Sterns S.A.M. system ( unless I missed that! ) so don't expect anything much newer than RBION. So no TRON :mad:
  2. Kevlar

    It's All Your Fault FARSIGHT

    LOL, .....GL = Grand Lizard :D
  3. Kevlar

    It's All Your Fault FARSIGHT

    The GL I assume? or have you bought something else?
  4. Kevlar

    Your Top #5 favorite sounds on TPA's tables

    I don't think you can beat the whole stacked multiball voice in MM, eg " Joust, Catapult, Troll, Damsel ...multiball madness! ", I love it.
  5. Kevlar

    Past newsletters ?

    I can email most of them to you if you want? Just PM me your email address.
  6. Kevlar

    The Official Latest NEWS And INFORMATION Discussion Thread

    Its Dewalts answer to Apples forthcoming iWatch.
  7. Kevlar

    TPA is destroying my iPad!

    It's not THAT bad, it's just that even after cleaning with a good cleaner and the screen is really clean I can still see where my thumbs were when I hold the iPad at an angle so that light reflects on it.
  8. Kevlar

    TPA is destroying my iPad!

    Has anyone else played so much TPA on their iPad that they have worn the oleophobic coating off the screen where their thumbs rest? Maybe the fact that I don't have office worker soft skin working in engineering all of my working life has caused the wear but there are definite worn areas that...
  9. Kevlar

    1.13.0 Beta

    I'm sure that's by design, of the real machine and TPA version, there's no side to the low points of that ramp. Apart from the odd ball getting stuck there coming down the ramp air balls are very likely to get hit up there.
  10. Kevlar

    Live Pinburgh 2013 Finals

    Wow, welcome Bowen!
  11. Kevlar

    Howdy everybody!

    Welcome, your name always makes me smile :D
  12. Kevlar

    Pro Pinball

    That does look amazing but as Heretic said I want to see a video, then Maybe I'll be convinced FS should have gone this route.
  13. Kevlar

    1.13.0 Beta

    It's been reported on the iOS beta although I haven't seen it happen myself.
  14. Kevlar

    kickstarters question.....

    Sorry, misunderstood the question.
  15. Kevlar

    Full Throttle

    I should get to play this in August at the Uk Pinball Party as the organiser is Andrew Heighway.
  16. Kevlar

    TPA Live Stream...

    I think the ps4's streaming capability will grow old very quickly, " now which of these 10 million call of duty clips shall I watch? ". I obviously don't get it.
  17. Kevlar

    White Water Screens

    Not wanting to be negative as this table is looking good but one thing that stands out to me, or rather doesn't stand out to me is Big Foot, on the real table he's quite noticeable but on this version you could be forgiven for not even noticing he's there at all. Maybe he needs brightening up?
  18. Kevlar

    Space Shuttle Screens

    I'm enjoying it a lot. Feels a lot like firepower to me.
  19. Kevlar

    1.13.0 Beta

    There are plenty of pre DCS pins in TPA already aren't there? None sound this bad.
  20. Kevlar

    1.13.0 Beta

    So the actual pinball machine sounds like this?

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