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  1. gooche77

    Table Pack #25 Speculation

    5 tables are still unannounced from Season 3
  2. gooche77

    Welcome to the Wizard Club

    Goin Nuts isn't too bad. Make sure you focus on the Green drop targets and keeping at least 2 balls in plays.
  3. gooche77

    retrogaming anyone?

    Cool Rom is my favorite site. Hover over the ROM Files link in the header and select your system of choice.
  4. gooche77

    retrogaming anyone?

    I discovered MAME in '99. I was searching for a PS1 game collection that had an obscure Konami game by the name of Circus Charlie. Imagine my astonishment when emulation popped upon my Lycos search. That's right. Lycos. 15 years later and I still play roms I downloaded that fateful evening.
  5. gooche77

    What Music Do You Listen Too When You Play TPA?

    Mostly piano jazz like Ahmad Jamal, Bill Evans etc. I have to admit that i rarely, if ever, listen to the TPA sound effects. It's a great way to keep relaxed on during those marathon games.
  6. gooche77

    (An attempt at) The top 40 TPA players from leaderboard scores

    Awesome stuff! I feel kinda famous now rockin #27.
  7. gooche77


    Sup, you up?
  8. gooche77

    Ohio Pinball Show - 2014 - Feb 27 - March 1

    Wishing it was a bit closer to Columbus...:(
  9. gooche77

    Where would you say you rank overall?

    I think I'm #19 on Gamecenter at the moment.
  10. gooche77

    So now we can play background music... atmosphere for TPA!

    I'm just thrilled I can stream Pandora again while playing. Ahmad Jamal > Pinball Sound Effects
  11. gooche77

    Anyone who has finished all goals (on iOS)?

    Haven't updated in a while. Any completionists have issues clearing either Black Rose or Black Knight 2000? Black Rose took a couple of days but BK2K was a total breeze. It was in the bank before lunch today. :D
  12. gooche77

    Pinball After Dark

    That dude's collection is amazing.
  13. gooche77

    please FS make Scared Stiff harder to play

    I haven't played it in over a year. Party Monsters is a much better table IMO.
  14. gooche77

    If you could pick 3 tables to appear in TPA b4 FS closes its doors what would they be

    World Cup '94 Addams Family Star Wars (Data East) Indiana Jones (Williams) The Shadow </amazing list>
  15. gooche77

    This game is a drainer

    Make peace with it. Champion Pub also has hideous drainage issues and its still fun to play like Trek. Make sure you're playing slow and aiming shots with ball control. Generous nudging helps for those sdtms and stay away from those outlanes!
  16. gooche77

    Black Rose in the current Tournament

    Yes he meant Select.

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