It's been a while since they added an Age of Pinballs table. They were adding them regularly for a while. Only about half of their digital originals have been added. I wonder if they just decided to stop there. Or maybe it's because new achievements only occasionally get added to the game now...
Makes sense that they'd stop building up on the apron, but does it at least remember how many you've earned for usage purposes?
What I mean is, if you would have earned a 21st token, and then you go to play Assault on the Vault, does it remember that you should have 21 tokens, or does it take...
Agreed. I especially like Zombie Yeti's work, he's probably my favorite of the modern era.
For 80s/90s guys my favorites are Faris, Watson and Lorenzo Rimondini (the guy who did the art for Zaccaria).
For pre-80s guys, Gordon Morison.
It would be a welcome option.
I wonder how they would handle leaderboard access with a slider option. They could go Zen's route and have 2 or 3 preset configurations each with a different leaderboard, or they might just do what they did with pro operator menus and take away leaderboard access...
I like the Williams FX3 audio. The clarity and mechanical sounds make it the most enjoyable for me. Zen easily does mechanical sounds the best, followed by Zaccaria, then TPA in a distant third. I'd love to hear an EM in FX3, hopefully some day we get some. I agree with Gorgar that FarSight have...
I just assumed your list of top issues would have more actual serious bugs, is all, given your stance on the game. As is, the opening post pretty much just lends credence to what syt said about hyperbole. I mean, one of them is literally just an option that can be turned off.
At least you...
Those are your top issues that you feel makes the game "almost unplayable"?
Also, you can turn the dust off. Find "Particle Effect" in the graphics options and turn it off.
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