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  1. gooche77

    Bug iOS Version 2.10.0 Bugs

    Device/OS: iPad 3/6.1.3 Bug Description: Cue Ball Wizard - hitting half-billion point shot doesn't add 500,000,000 to score. Steps To Reproduce: Only happened the one time since it's kinda hard to do in the 1st place. Frequency: See above
  2. gooche77

    It's Fish Tales!!!!! (and Season 3 discussion)

    No complaint from me about getting only one table this month or any other month. We have over 40 tables. Pretty amazing when you think about it.
  3. gooche77

    Request South Park 1998 Sega

    Not a great table. I played it recently and was underwhelmed.
  4. gooche77

    Unfinished Business - Finishing Wizard Goals

    You've always been there for a good tip, Cristobal. Thank you kindly. The Genie 3M goal is totally doable. Just committ yourself to playing the table exclusively for about 2 weeks and eventually you'll have it.
  5. gooche77

    Unfinished Business - Finishing Wizard Goals

    Updated with Cue Ball Wizard goals. Or is it Cue Ball Wizard wizard goals?
  6. gooche77

    Anyone who has finished all goals (on iOS)?

    Finishing these goals is pretty much my entire TPA focus at the moment. Here's what i need: The Champion Pub •Win the Ultimate Challenge Goin' Nuts •Increase the timer to 360 seconds •Earn a 500,000 point bonus Cue Ball Wizard •Complete D-O-U-B-L-E •Earn a Special •Score a Super Jackpot...
  7. gooche77

    Table Pack #21 speculation

    Sharknado is the tale of fish in a whirlwind. Certainly a better crafted hint than those past but not all that complicated. 1 table per month is fine by me if its a DMD the likes of Fish Tales. I think 2 packs of alphanumerics would be the way to go. If there was a scenario where we get F-14...
  8. gooche77

    Bug: Table pack #21 speculation

    I have also experienced this bug. A full 6 month future release schedule is the only cure.
  9. gooche77

    Table Pack #21 speculation

    I think Gameplan gives away their license like one of those house for sale pamphlet dispensers.
  10. gooche77

    Grand Theft Auto, San Andreas - coming to mobile in Dec '13

    The whole trilogy belonged on mobile. Bring on the 3 Pak discount!
  11. gooche77

    Table Pack #21 speculation

    I'm wondering if we're getting a Dec 20 release.
  12. gooche77

    Table Pack #21 speculation

    Game Room was such a disappointment. Great idea with no support. Would have been pretty sweet if it actually came through. Imagine if TPA and Game Room partnered up and you can play and see all of your tables AND cabinets?
  13. gooche77

    Table Pack #21 speculation

    The Wikipedia page now has no section for planned or future releases.
  14. gooche77

    Table Pack #21 speculation

    Who would edit something as sacred a TPA Wikipedia page with such conjecture? These are troubling times on the information superhighway.
  15. gooche77

    Unfinished Business - Finishing Wizard Goals

    Thank you kind sir. The score was a direct result of maintaining the extra ball/5x/score bonus pattern and cradling that ball more than baby with collick.
  16. gooche77

    Unfinished Business - Finishing Wizard Goals

    Genie •Score at least 3,000,000 points Done! I've played this table exclusively for the past two weeks. Constantly. There were a couple of games where i tensed up and topped out around 2.5M to 2.8M. The concentration, careful constant nudging and ball control required for this is no joke...
  17. gooche77

    Table Pack #21 speculation

    Fish tales and cyclone
  18. gooche77

    Table Pack 20 today?

    Come on iOS!
  19. gooche77

    500.000 bonus goal

    Which impossibles? Congrats BTW.

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