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  1. tandigab

    Score a Double Jackpot Goal Not Triggering?

    I guess I know what the problem is. The same problem is in Frankenstein with creature jackpot and extra ball at 600M. You scored the double super jackpot and replay at the same time (~600M?) No double super jackpot on DMD but the replay's fireworks. So earn the replay before scoring double super...
  2. tandigab

    Score a Double Jackpot Goal Not Triggering?

    I did not use smart missiles because I knew nothing about those. (I should have read the instructions carefully). Later I watched scippycue's video and banged my head against the wall. So I scored this goal without missiles. I cannot remember how to do the goal (when to shoot what) but here is...
  3. tandigab

    Bug Dracula bugs

    Ball goes through the right flipper. It happened couple of time but not so often as in WipeOut.
  4. tandigab

    Bug Dracula bugs

    16:10 Ball lost or not released to the plunger lane. 20:00 Video mode + ball at the same time. They're not one time errors but this was recorded only.
  5. tandigab

    Bug DMD goes crazy (ROM bug?) & WG not triggers

    No operators menu for me. I bought the standard version. My settings:
  6. tandigab


    Farsight changed the tournament page on in the recent past. Now we can see PS4 tournament results in the middle section. That was PSN before that and we could see PS3 results there only. Now PS3 results were sacrified for PS4 results. It's OK for me but what about PS3 users...
  7. tandigab

    Bug DMD goes crazy (ROM bug?) & WG not triggers

    Well I don't want refund. I rather want Farsight to fix issues. I am trying to help them by reporting issues on this forum. If they care about it.
  8. tandigab

    Creature Feature Timer bug

    That additional hit by the upper right flipper accelerated the ball a little to help reach 10 spins with one shot. ;) Without that it would have been 147-148M (I guess).
  9. tandigab

    Bug Doctor Who: Master of Time

    One more (last) bug is that it keeps saying the (usually) false info throughout the game: 'Extra ball' and 'Extra ball is lit'. You can check that in any of my videos.
  10. tandigab

    Bug Doctor Who: Master of Time

    4:50 tardis again 6:23 one of the balls escaped from the table at the left side :)
  11. tandigab

    Bug Doctor Who: Master of Time

    1:38 Ball goes through 'W' scoop (one time error) 2:50 Through tardis (again) the same error as in SS
  12. tandigab

    Bug Doctor Who: Master of Time

    Ball goes through left flipper at 4:17 (it was a one time error) Ball goes through tardis at 8:25 (very often, every other game)
  13. tandigab

    Bug Doctor Who: Master of Time

    Tardis doors stay open at 16:33. Shooting into the tradis not registered until they are closed again at 18:48
  14. tandigab

    Bug Doctor Who: Master of Time

    DOCTOR targets goal not triggered. I scored its last letter (T) at 2:45 but not registered. After that I kept shooting DOCTOR targets but nothing happened until 4:38 when it reset and could be collected again
  15. tandigab

    Bug Gladiator bugs

    I guess I should have started this thread in this PS4 section:
  16. tandigab

    Bug Wipe Out

    It would be hard to find a table without any bug/glitch. The most embarassing bug is since the last two update. That is when TPA completely breaks and exits with 'Blue Death'. That error had never existed before the last 2 patches. FS released the last patch to fix that error but never fixed it...
  17. tandigab

    Bug DMD goes crazy (ROM bug?) & WG not triggers

    DMD crazy again: 04:40 Two ball in a scoop 08:05 DMD starts going crazy (displaying BS characters) 08:17 Thousand separators missing 08:35 Geschlossen (German) 08:38 Cannot enter initials 09:28 Cannot exit from table to the menu from attract mode (had to close TPA)
  18. tandigab

    Bug DMD goes crazy (ROM bug?) & WG not triggers

    07:15 20M Abyss Award (wizard goal not registered) 08:20 20M Abyss Award 12:17 DMD out (dark) 13:09 DMD is strange (ce? / thousand separators omitted) 13:43 DMD language changed to German 14:23 NTION(?) and could not enter initials. I could change the letters with R1, R2, but when pressed X on...
  19. tandigab

    Creature Feature Timer bug

    I cannot see any glitch in this video. After 140M you hit the spinner once more at 3:21 that increased the value to 150M.

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