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  1. Canadian365

    :) :) :) November 1st!

    My fingernails are almost gone's happening today!
  2. Canadian365

    A Dummies Guide for playing TPA on Steam. Also, I need controller help.

    I use my PS3 controller on my PC, using this Very stable haven't had any issues, and all functions of PS3 controller work. Read about it here Make sure you follow guidelines in link for it to...
  3. Canadian365

    Bug Black Knight Upper playfiled Lock

    Title Bug: When a third ball goes into upper play field Lock of Black Knight, the ball gets stuck, must call attendant to fix. It should release a ball into play, but it does not. OS Version: Windows 8 Graphics Card: NVIDIA Geforce GTX 765m Ram: 16GB Version #0.23 Display Mode: “Full Screen”...
  4. Canadian365

    PC - Request Magna save using keyboard?

    I found it, thanks Roo. Didn't notice it in the options keyboard settings before.
  5. Canadian365

    Request Can we please remove the player and end of game screens?

    And in just a few quick pushes of the button, the menus disappear! I think we need to focus on bugs in PC build etc first, before we try and re tool a game individually for our own individual tastes. Just my opinion...
  6. Canadian365

    PC - Request Magna save using keyboard?

    I can't seem to find how you enable Magna save when playing Black Knight using keyboard. What button/function turns on Magna save when Lit? Thanks
  7. Canadian365

    Fixed Menu frames per second (fps) is way too fast

    Yes kimkon I have my driver set to 'Use the 3d application setting'. May be driver issue?
  8. Canadian365

    STEAM account names

    I did not realize I could edit the original post. Thanks shutyertrap. I have updated initial post.
  9. Canadian365

    Fixed Menu frames per second (fps) is way too fast

    I'm curious to know if this is a hardware issue, Steam Beta, or game issue. Most of my games play at 60fps. The Elvira tables, and T2 drop to 30 fps for me. But yesterday when I played pinball arcade I got 60 fps on Elvira tables and T2. But now STTNG that previously played at 60 fps, is now...
  10. Canadian365

    Kickstarter TZ & STTNG Wallpapers, anyone received them yet?

    Awesome T2 wallpapers available for Kickstarters today! Hope we can see Twilight Zone and STTNG wallpapers soon too! Thanks FS for delivering on your kickstarter wards for T2?
  11. Canadian365

    STEAM account names

    As requested by shutyertrap. Add your STEAM Profile name to bottom of list please... PLEASE COPY AND PASTE THIS POST ADDING YOUR PROFILE NAME TO LIST! Canadian365 geewzzz Pinballwiz45b Tigershark1968 Bonzo BKJSTUDIO shutyertrap Sexton Hardcastle pudge6988 moewe (with the Pro Pinball - Logo)...
  12. Canadian365

    The Pinballarcade no longer loads up on STEAM

    A number of things. Uninstall Steam, reinstall Steam, download pinball, delete pinball, instal pinball, verify game cache, delete pinball, delete Steam ClientRegistry.bob, uninstall pinball, reinstall pinball, delete pinball, delete steam, delete user game folder, reinstall steam, instal...
  13. Canadian365

    The Pinballarcade no longer loads up on STEAM

    UPDATE: Many frustrating attempts, and internet searches for fix, STEAM support...! Issue is resolved! :D Pinballarcade now loads again on STEAM! :D
  14. Canadian365

    STEAM account names

    As requested by shutyertrap. Add your STEAM Profile name to bottom of list please... Canadian365 geewzzz Pinballwiz45b Tigershark1968 Bonzo BKJSTUDIO shutyertrap Sexton Hardcastle pudge6988 moewe (with the Pro Pinball - Logo) towjeffs Kaoruishere
  15. Canadian365

    The Pinballarcade no longer loads up on STEAM

    I tried deleteing Pinball arcade again from Steam main menu. Now I get a message that says "Cannot delete Pinballarcade, since it is currently running. Please close Pinballarcade before attempting to delete it." But the game is not running, it doesn't show up in task manager or processes.
  16. Canadian365

    The Pinballarcade no longer loads up on STEAM

    Yes deleted everything. Game doesn't show up in Task manager either when Steam main menu play button is selected. I even uninstalled my video card drivers and reinstalled, still no go. :(
  17. Canadian365

    The Pinballarcade no longer loads up on STEAM

    I had a system freeze while playing The Pinball Arcade on STEAM yesterday. I had to exit the game via Windows Task manager. Now The Pinball Arcade won’t load up when I select play from Steam menu. I deleted, reinstalled Pinballarcade, no luck. So today I deleted STEAM and all of its folders...
  18. Canadian365

    STEAM account names

    Sexton Hardcastle. There are a ton under that name, do you have an avatar of JR!
  19. Canadian365

    Another question

    Ok, but why do some tables work at 60 fps, and the above mentioned drop to 30 fps? Shouldn't they all run at same 60fps? I guess i will go back to 1024x768. Thanks for info :(
  20. Canadian365

    STEAM account names

    Well for some reason STEAM is not using my original account name. You can find me under Canadian365 thanks Mick Morry!

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