I change my mind. After reading through the thread with members showing their physics settings I had to try some. Robot is much more fun now. Count me in as converted now. :) The ball drain is still bad on any physics setting in Robot, but not nearly as bad. Man that table likes to gutter...
Ok. I change my mind. After playing a dozen games of Robot I realize now that you do need to adjust the physics to have any fun. Count me in as converted. LOL I am checking out the various physics settings you all are mentioning. So far all I can say is WOW...what a difference! You all...
I am glad Viper Night Drivin' made it after all. However I am sad it took out Checkpoint to do it. Oh well. It's still a great list to look forwards too as Robbied13 mentions.
No thanks. I like the standard settings that have not been changed one bit. I just downloaded the game and started playing. I don't touch many of the settings except changing from 3 to 5 ball once in a while and changing from the clean, and dirty tables here and there. Oh and night time and...
It may show up Krooze. This all is just speculation after all. FarSight is probably trolling our threads, and is looking for the tables that get mentioned over and over and over again. Like Evil Kneivel, Dolly Parton, and Banzai Run, Banzai Run, Banzai Run. There....those 3 are on me...
Well said. I agree with much of what you say. Especially the stuff you talk about in your second paragraph about all the disenchantment and complaining. It's so true. It's endless. I am happy with whatever they give us. I will play any good table. The polls are fun though. I have to...
Don't adjust any of the physics settings and play with the default settings and the tables will be much harder. I played on my friends ipad that had the tweaked physics settings and I found all the tables were too easy. I play on default settings and don't nudge and find the tables are much...
I was praying for Viper Night Drivin'. OMG that table is unbelievable! I played it in a very dark arcade and it was the most mind blowing table I think I ever had the pleasure of playing. Might have been the adult refreshments, but I still say it was the table itself. :)
I like hearing...
Then allow us 95% Percenters to enjoy our first win over the 5% er club then. The 5% er club is not looking so fun all of a sudden.
Sorry....had too sotie. You left that one totally open. :)
Seriously now....all that happened in the polls is we saw that the popularity is nearly identical...
Only FarSight can help you on this one. You have to obtain a valid functioning code from FarSight's official web site. Login on their site and get the beta code, and enter it in the Steam redeem code section. If yours is not working then you have to get a hold of them.
Contact Mike Lindsey...
Me too. :) I am also glad to see Guns And Roses make it into the top 10 of it's list too.
I also was sad about JackBot. You are not alone. Many of us want it. The trilogy must be completed to be fair after giving us the other two.
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