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  1. Mick Morry

    The Official Latest NEWS And INFORMATION Discussion Thread

    Now you are totally back on track again. LOL. I think a great number of us only have a small handful of Gottlieb favorite tables. Most of the best are out already. When I was a kid it was Williams that got all my friends and I truly hooked on Pinball. I hope they produce many more Williams...
  2. Mick Morry

    The Official Latest NEWS And INFORMATION Discussion Thread

    Then you are really the odd man out. Poke...Poke. :D
  3. Mick Morry

    The Official Latest NEWS And INFORMATION Discussion Thread

    It is an utterly fantastic list. Proof all us pinballers are on the same page. I voted for 95% of all the tables selected. I also liked the other 5% and have no issue with them winning as I would have selected them too if I had been allowed just 2 more votes for each voting poll. :)
  4. Mick Morry

    The Official Latest NEWS And INFORMATION Discussion Thread

    I love all the top 10 most voted on tables in each of the polls. I hope FarSight looks very seriously at making all those top 10 winners. Thanks so much for holding all the polls. It's been a heck of a lot of fun. You ROCK Pin Wiz!
  5. Mick Morry

    Pro Pinball

    I couldn't hit the table icon to get it to play. I had to go into the settings and adjust them to my specs and then I hit the "start simulation" button within the settings menu. I am on windows 7, but maybe this will work for you with windows 8...seeing as I had some complications running it...
  6. Mick Morry

    PAF Top Ten Most Wanted Table Poll Series : #3 - Bally (Closed)

    I agree. We need Party Zone on TPA. It is one of the must have tables that is needed to be on TPA at some point in time.
  7. Mick Morry

    Lego Pinball Machine!!

    Now this one is a whole different beast all together. This one I would own. Absolutely brilliant!
  8. Mick Morry

    Zaccaria Pinball - update v1.7

    Hopefully tomorrow is the day for Apple to get the new table and updates up for us on IOS.
  9. Mick Morry

    Lego Pinball Machine!!

    The first one is not visually captivating enough for me. I have been too spoiled by high res graphics to ever be interested in something like this. :D Still neat to see though. Thanks for sharing.
  10. Mick Morry

    Pro Pinball

    I added that link and asked everyone to vote for it on Greenlight in the KickStarter.
  11. Mick Morry

    Pro Pinball

    Just over 300 Pounds left. Wooooooo-Hoooooooo! I think we will hit the mark today. If not today it will be tomorrow at the absolute latest. It's a go by the looks of things at the moment. :)
  12. Mick Morry

    Pinball Arcade better than real pinball?

    It sucks to see great pinball tables not maintained well. The pinball tables in my town are few and rare, and most are in less than stellar shape.
  13. Mick Morry

    Which Table Packs at Release?

    Seasons packs are the only way to go. I supported the KickStarter full well knowing the free table would be a throw away. They already owed me T2 as part of the Pro version of the Seasons Pass I bought. On Steam I intend to buy both seasons passes and the 3rd season the second each one...
  14. Mick Morry

    Pinball Arcade better than real pinball?

    I completely agree. While I love real tables it comes down to availability and variety. In both cases TPA comes through with flying colours. I love playing on a real table, but truthfully...they can take my Ipad with TPA on it....out of my cold dead hands! :D
  15. Mick Morry

    Thank you for this fantastic game!

    I am truly enjoying the PC beta and I already love TPA on IOS. Playing one of my favorite tables at the dentist office waiting room never gets dull. Especially when you see the other patients having to read the garbage gossip magazines. It puts a smile on my face every single time I am stuck...
  16. Mick Morry

    Just wanted to introduce myself to you all.

    Hi Slayer. I am sorry to hear about your loss. I lost my first fiancé to a drunk driver many years ago. I thankfully found my current wife a decade after the passing of my fiancé, and I have been happily married ever since. It takes time, but eventually life rights itself back to a somewhat...
  17. Mick Morry

    Pro Pinball

    We pulled in around 1000 British Pounds just today alone. We are just about 1,000 Pounds from the finish line. This one is in the bag IMHO.

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