Apology 100% accepted. Glad it was just a misunderstanding. My own apologies for overreacting.
For what it's worth, I kicked into the TZ Kickstarter at the $100 level, so that will give me a chance to check in on Xbox's TPA progress once it is released. Who knows, maybe I'll be so wowed by the...
Hear hear! Nothing says level-headed like accusing someone of having mental issues! :confused:
This isn't something I decided to do in a huff, nor have I anywhere in this post (or anywhere in the forum) been anything but civil, so I'm not sure where your condescension is coming from.
Even once...
Gentlemen, I just can't justify sticking around, week after week, to get burned.
A friend of mine will be receiving his Nexus 7 later this week and so he sold me his ICS-enabled Touchpad on the cheap. I've downloaded TPA and set it up with a Sixaxis. It is running like a champ, and while I was...
Never make the assumption that your experiences are universal. A considerable amount of trash-talking goes on between people in my friends list about earning tough-as-nails achievements. Without any way of proving that you've earned it, this isn't possible.
Oh man, that is terrible news to wake up to. Very little sense of accomplishment in a local top 5 score.
EDIT: I'm sympathetic to the fact that you guys are limited in the # of achievements you can offer, and pinning it to the wizard goals would probably be a major turn-off for any casual...
In the middle of building one as we speak. I'll post pics when it is a bit further along, but it's already very playable.
Definitely hoping TPA comes out with a PC version with cabinet support sooner rather than later.
I would hope that, if they ever bring this feature, they disqualify you from getting any goals if you use it. Not nearly as much of an accomplishment if you're allowed to tack extra balls onto the end of your game. I totally understand the temptation (I nearly threw my controller through the...
Wow, thanks to everyone for pointing me to the Crush series. I never had a TG-16, or knew anyone who did, so I'd never even heard of these. They are great fun!
Boo! Hiss!
Ah well. Was nice to dream while it lasted. Guess I'll have to keep leaning on VP for Fish Tales for the time being.
While I think White Water and Fish Tales would make the most appropriate 2-pack thematically, the table design of Taxi and Fish Tales, with the twin center ramps...
Wow, great find.
TTales_Enums.csv could just as easily be Tales From the Crypt, no? Licensed, sure, but an older one. Is there anything within that file that's a clearer indication?
I'm psyched either way!
Yeah, count me in as someone who would love to see this but thinks it'll never happen. VP is (and almost certainly will remain) your best bet for playing this wonderful game.
Well that is certainly not a good thing, stasg7, but I'm a little jealous I can't recreate it. With the carpet, it's like a maaaaaagical voyage through space!!!
PiN WiZ, thank you. Very classy apology. As stated above, I was a bit disappointed and surprised that no new info materialized, but only because your track record has been so strong.
Here's hoping that whatever you thought you knew doesn't end up being too far from the eventual truth. :)
Totally agree, Serenseven. I know that VP/FP are actually pretty well-known by a lot of pinball creators, and in many cases, the efforts of those communities are very much encouraged (even if it's only in the "turn a blind eye" sense.)
If a table on TPA was a runaway success, I could see...
I, for one, am not miffed, just a little disappointed. PiN WiZ clearly has some sort of inside scoop, and has generally been pretty on point about leaking news or news of news. So for Monday to come and go without any word, and to see no response from him, is just a little disappointing.
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