Nice to see another Canadian.
Anyway, my first thoughts: it's a solid build, i like how it plays. Post processing needs more polish, i recommend to play without it..controls are great, everything looks better than PS3 version. Needs few fixes but it's definitely there for me.
Downloading....gonna take a minute so i just grab few more beers. It's going to be a very interesting day with a very interesting game afterall. You just can't go sober.
Ugh...still no animated bumpers and slingshots :mad: and HH has "Upstairs Scores Double" sign blurred out. I can confirm pretty much every single issue mentioned above, no performance problems tho, runs very smooth. Tested on SGS3
T2 looks great, i like this build a lot. I noticed T2 is the only table with mipmapping support/crisp textures. Would be awesome to see improvements like that on other tables as well (Cactus Canyon :( ). Good build nonetheless, will test a little more and find some bugs ;)
Why not? I play offline because i hate slowndows, but i can always update leaderboards after i'm done. Going online (via taskbar) and login takes less than few seconds.....
I play TPA in offline mode. Always 60 FPS no matter what i do (mp3 player or radio running in the background, plus some other programs), or how long i play. (SGS3 stock)
Wow, this sounds bad. But again, it's ASK Homework so we could see it coming......sad thing, such a good license got pretty much wasted, i was really hoping for some good non-US pins to come. Oh well, guess not this time.
To me it sounds like Google Play bug that happens from time to time. Your options are: you can wait for store refresh on your phone or downolad update from PC. You can backup your TPA data via Titanium Backup (root required) and uninstall TPA, then install new version, then restore your saved...
That is absolutely correct, and there's no excuse. Vita is (at least) twice as powerful as any android device out there. Also, i don't understand why some of the artwork is missing, i mean Android version is old, months old.
So, i decided to compare Vita and SGS3 (android) STTNG versions. Well, sad to say but Vita just isn't there for me.
As you can clearly see, Vita version is too blurry, resolution is noticeably lower, Android version looks more crisp, clear and solid. Farsight really should put some more power...
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