If you want to resolve the issue in some kind of equitable way then FarSight might be able to help. Your post seemed to suggest that you were only seeking a refund as you "were done with the PS3" version of the game. For a refund your only recourse is with Sony. I don't think that FarSight has...
Even though at the very beginning they actually charged for each table separately. You could buy one table or the other or the table pack. And people asked FarSight why they were charging almost the same amount for a table that they had already done in HoF versions. FarSight explained that they...
BK2K is really fun table. Black Knight is in my top ten of best pinball machines ever so I was a little disappointed in FarSight's botched version of it. Black Knight 2000 was a good sequel to the original and I'm really hoping that FarSight does a much better job in bringing it into TPA than...
People were asking for cabinet support when the console versions came out. Actually I think people are asking for console support before TPA was released on any platform.
This is a weird problem that some people are having, including me, with MLB the Show 14. I'm working around it by manually saving after every game and reverting when the issue pops up. It can be any color and I've seen it worse than this. When it happens with black the game is unplayable but if...
Unless you are outputting to a monitor from a PC you should use limited even if your TV supports full. This is one of the worst named settings in the video consumer products. There is nothing limited about limited and full, despite its name, isn't better. There is a larger range of numbers in...
It's amazing how much pinball has expanded in such a short time and how much easier it has become to find. When the Pinball Hall of Fame Williams Collection came out and my daughter just started asking about real tables it was hard to find them. Of course she was also under 21 and still is for a...
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