I don't think there is any concrete evidence, more that it's a fairly popular DMD game that doesn't require a license. I don't recall any FS hints, blurry pictures, etc.
I finished it the other day... you get an add-a-ball when you defeat a boxer which helps a lot. It seems like there is a bug that uses all your smart punches when it starts, which if you have some saved up can basically take down one boxer right off the bat. If I'm not mistaken, the center post...
Looks like the leaderboard issue is finally fixed, but had a game on WW (100m or so points) not award me the HoF points. My increased score on TCP did though.
Agreed. The iOS market can be impatient, fickle, or even plain cruel. At the very least, many iPhone gamers have a very short attention span. The reviews will probably never truly reflect the quality of your product and a few stars less can turn away many potentials.
I haven't been to TPF, but if its like any other pinball show that I've been to, the awards generally go to the quality of condition or restoration of the machine, not the gameplay. I welcome Sorcerer in TPA, I just hope they make the lock ramp a hard, drainy shot.
I think the difference between this project and the one PPM was running was the sheer amount of money they were trying to raise. PPM's was a very high number... over a million I think.
So many good ones here. I chose mostly 7 digit games.
Flash Gordon
Eight Ball Deluxe
Eight Ball Champ
Future Spa
Fireball II
Ah, right. I was getting Classic confused with the home version, which I remember being called Classic and is very neutered. Still interesting they would put Fireball Classic on the poll, rather than Fireball as I remember Classic having different rules and people tend not to like it as much...
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