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  1. D

    The Big Lebowski Pinball

    I have. Played them both at Expo last year. They had Hobbit and Lebowski there. I pre-ordered Hobbit. Spent most my time there trying to play Hobbit. Lebowski was cool, love the movie too. But liked the Hobbit way more. I think I ordered the right one.
  2. D

    Wow! - Pinball Arcade coming to Oculus Rift in 2016 - confirmed

    Just wish FarSight saw it that way and gave us true cabinet support. Thought that is what they were trying to accomplish from the start but something happened along the way. Given up on them a long time ago as far as cabinet support of any quality. Still have my hopes set on Pro Pinball. That...
  3. D

    A new app on the way from Stern and Farsight

    That would eliminate Pro Pinball's Timeshock for me. No chance that is happening any time soon. Best pinball simulation out there right now, there is not even any close competition from ANY company. And, it's only in beta on pc so far.
  4. D

    Midwest Gaming Classic 2016 (Brookfield, WI)

    Cool. On my calendar now.
  5. D

    Doctor Who Kickstarter

    Dr. Who is my most wanted table right now. Never played it before Expo last year. They had 2 DW tables there. Probably had 100 tables total. With most of the other classic tables there, I found myself returning time and time again to Dr. Who. The one you could hear when entering the room above...
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    Doctor Who Kickstarter

    Simpsons next?
  7. D

    Doctor Who Kickstarter

    Thanks to everyone who contributed. Can't wait to play Dr Who. One of my favorite tables. Bring on the Daleks. Exterminate!!
  8. D

    Doctor Who Kickstarter

    Why the exclusivity? And making it available to all on PS3 is even more reason to make it available to all who own TAF. It was exclusive for a while, all who donated got their exclusivity for a while but they have a new Kickstarter and want money. They should release the table to everyone. They...
  9. D

    Doctor Who Kickstarter

    I just won on twitch. It should still be available to ALL. Not just a few "special" people when everyone who donated made it happen. Even the person who donated just $1 or only pre purchased season packs. It if wasn't for the collective effort, it wouldn't have happened.
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    Doctor Who Kickstarter

    I wish them luck with the Kickstarter. I will get the table for free since I still buy the season on one last platform, Steam. I also have all the tables but the TAF gold table. It should be available to ALL. Everyone who donated to that Kickstarter made it happen. If I, and others, had not...
  11. D

    Doctor Who Kickstarter

    I already donated $100 to TZ and $100 to STNG. TAF gold was not supposed to be exclusive forever. "Most real-life pinball tables have an Operator's Menu that lets the operator change table settings (like the number of balls) and get diagnostic information about the table. Since the Pinball...
  12. D

    Zaccaria Pinball on Steam Greenlight!

    Voted for Zac on Steam. Pro Pinball is worth every penny of that $15. Actually worth a lot more. Best thing to ever hit my cabinet!! Makes all other developers cry in their sleep I'm sure. Game has paid for itself with how many hours it has been played in just a few days. Almost like playin a...
  13. D

    Pro Pinball

    I hope they release the other 3 tables. I know it would not be for a while, but the wait would be worth it. With the engine now built maybe the other tables would take a little less time to produce. This table is pretty damn impressive on a cabinet. Can't wait until the other views are rendered...
  14. D

    Doctor Who Kickstarter

    The people who made it happen are everyone who contributed to the Kickstarter. Not just the gold backers. Without the other backers, it would have never happened. Everyone, at least the people who now own TAF. Also, they have a new Kickstarter going and they are holding back on something that...
  15. D

    Doctor Who Kickstarter

    When will TAF gold be released to all? Kickstarters made it happen, why hasn't it just been made available to all who own TAF? Until they do something about that and make that right, sorry. Why is that being held back from the people who made it happen? You start a new Kickstarter and yet no...
  16. D

    Bug "You must connect to the internet to download or purchase tables"

    My friend can play on his iPhone, I can't play on my iPhone or iPad mini. Why he can play on his device, not sure, but weird.
  17. D

    Fireball & Eldorodo don't work!

    Don't see a fix coming today for iOS. Haven't checked my cab yet, hope it works on Steam. Not sure how my friend is playing on his iPhone. I tried my iPhone and I get the same problem.
  18. D

    Fireball & Eldorodo don't work!

    Same problem here. iOS, iPad mini. Works on friends iPhone, that doesn't make sense
  19. D

    Pro Pinball

    Make sure to bump the graphics up in the game settings. Looked nice before doing that, fantastic after.
  20. D

    Pro Pinball

    Cab setup I have so far. Flippers buttons = set for flippers Buttons to the side of the flippers, left and right nudge Start button = launch pinball Green button under start button = 1-4 player start button, 1 press for 1 player 2 presses for 2 player .... So nice (no going into the menu to...

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