Got home from the show few hours from the time of the post. Was a bit disappointed with the variety. Well there was variety, but quite a bit of duplicate tables (talking to you Roadshow).
Oh BTW, was referred about Stone Hedge myself for an alternative to Kidforce Collectibles when it comes to...
Title: Friend leaderboard showing Empty
OS: Windows 7
Version 1.23.9
Frequency: Day after the 1.23.9 patch release
It was working when the 1.23.9 patch was released. Day after the release, the friend leaderboard is empty. All time, monthly, and weekly shows no friends (Yes I have steam friends...
Sigh, thats stupid that we all suffer because Apple is too closed minded. Then again, then all the iOS people will complain that they get left out while everyone else can buy the season packs.
Overall there are going to be more upset customers liking the idea of buying season passes than those...
Where to begin? When to begin? How to begin?
I began with one of the only places in the Northeast Ohio that has a decent amount of tables available. Just an ordinary Saturday weekend, and it all started with five bucks. Five bucks might seem much for me to play two games, but at least it will...
Small one for Challenge mode:
Genie showing up on Season 1 Challenge
Firepower not showing up on Williams Challenge
For Android, I only own Season 1 and Table Pack 11. Should any tables, that you own, from a company show up on that companies challenge mode.
:Ahem: >.>¡¡
Haven't seriously played a SHMUP in a good while, and funny enough the game above was quite fun on the Wii's Virtual Console service including another called Gate of Thunder.
I also did enjoyed Jamestown, a newish retro style shooter more akin yo bullet-hell game type.
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