Sorry Jeff, I'm a little new here, hehe ...
I never played Medieval Madness in real life but everyone seems excited about it ... I'm really looking forward to Bride of Pinbot in the next offering ... I used to play PinBot in real life, its really the only table I ever played consistently because...
I don't think they would say it unless they mean it. I would venture to say they already have a years worth of tables pretty much ready for release sitting in a hopper just ready to go. So the tables they are working on right now will not be released until next year. One thing to note, I have...
Here is my list:
Online Multi-player - join with at least one friend in a two player turn based game ... 4 players would be awesome though!
Voice chat while playing head to head in online play
Control mapping - set up the controls the way you want them ... for example ... use the left D'Pad...
Mine is the BLACK HOLE,
Anyone who has overlooked this table, it is my favorite and it is one tough table. It is only enjoyable if you know the rules of the table so be sure to check them out.
Because I was never a big pinball player in real life, with each table I approach in the game, I...
Anyone else notice that on the PS Vita version, not the PS3, there is a bug with the center three rollovers you go through after plunging the ball - the left one will not register, therefore you can never get the multiplier going from the top of the table, you can only advace it from the bottom.
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